1   General / General Discussion / Re: Sudden Desklamp Failure  on: Today at 10:31:58 PM 
Started by Emersyn - Last post by Lcubed3
Yes, I have a fixture that does this sometimes. I found that the problem was the lamp (light bulb), because whenever I put in a different one it would work just fine.
 2   General / General Discussion / Re: Sudden Desklamp Failure  on: Today at 10:07:19 PM 
Started by Emersyn - Last post by Ash
Open the lamp and arrange it so you can reach everywhere with probes without moving it much. Let it run up and go out. In this condition, unplug and mesure what went open circuit thats supposed to have continuity

In a manual start lamp this may be the off switch barely staying close when not touched
 3   General / General Discussion / Re: Sudden Desklamp Failure  on: Today at 06:25:25 PM 
Started by Emersyn - Last post by Emersyn
Thanks for the responses, there are no starters in it, it's a manual start lamp. I can't check the electrical stuff out myself but I will do it next time I have someone who can help me.

I got the lamp for Christmas a few years ago and I think I'm the first person to use it. The lamp removal process is extremely hard and scratches the sockets up (which previously weren't)
 4   Advertisements / For Sale or Trade / For Sale - Rare New Kentron Inc. Traffic Signal Light W/Visors  on: Today at 02:00:23 PM 
Started by Wi Salvage - Last post by Wi Salvage
Hi All

Just wanted to drop a post here about a Kentron Traffic Signal that I just listed on Ebay.
It is a pretty rare find and I thought maybe some of the signal collector's may be interested.


 5   General / Off-Topic / Re: Getting very little interest on a lot of my uploads  on: Today at 11:37:02 AM 
Started by Danny - Last post by Laurens
reckon starting a tiktok channel with clips of worthwhile lamp-related videos, with a link to the forum and gallery, could be a start.

Well you can also immediately euthanise the site... I generally think that it is consensus that this should remain a forum and not become anything close to tik tok etc (see my first post)
I did not say to get rid of the forum or the somewhat similar structured gallery. I said 'Start to participate in the modern world to attract people to this site'. Only with more people will you get more interaction.
One possibility would be to add a function (don't ask me how, or how much work it is for the admins) to allow users to set a checkbox 'Allow sharing to the Lighting Gallery Tiktok'. In other words, actively opt in if you want the site's tiktok to feature your pictures, with a pointer back to the website. Everyday either some random pictures, or the highest rated ones of the day, get automatically compiled into a slideshow and dumped on the site's official tiktok. Mostly automated and hands off, explicitely with the goal to draw people to *here*.

I'm no tiktok fan, don't get me wrong, but you gotta do something to attract people to a form of social media they literally may never ever have used before. Because that's the case. Forums are great, but i bet that the majority of internet users today, have not been frequent (at least weekly) users of a forum in more than 10 years.

To get people back to what i consider a much superior way of spreading knowledge and media over the current crop of low attention span, algorhythm driven platforms, you will have to make yourself able to be found from those platforms to point them here. I have no numbers, but if more people leave than join, eventually you might end up with just a handful of people left after a few years of population decline.

Hell, if people hate tiktok too much, make it youtube. There's plenty of lighting enthousiasts over there. Just *any kind* of official lighting gallery presence on other platforms may help the site to keep from losing more members than gaining, in the long term. Currently i see maybe 1 or 2 people join in any given week, but is that enough to guarantee an active population for the next 5 or 10 years? (i don't really keep an eye on things)
 6   General / Off-Topic / Re: Major Apartment Plans  on: Today at 05:40:32 AM 
Started by suzukir122 - Last post by suzukir122
@Baked bagel 11, this is something I've thought about as well... I hope to someday meet lighting enthusiasts outside of the U.S. That would definitely
be epic... it's not impossible.
 7   General / General Discussion / Re: Sudden Desklamp Failure  on: Today at 04:52:08 AM 
Started by Emersyn - Last post by Medved
12minutes after start sounds like it has been just warming up, so some thermal expansion caused some loose contact to break the circuit. I would start to look mainly at places that get warm (bat that could be the whole fixture, I know)...
You needs to inspect it all for loose connections and oxidized contacts. You will definitely find some...
And better to clean and treat the switches and sockets with some contact cleaner...
 8   General / Off-Topic / Re: Major Apartment Plans  on: Today at 12:39:29 AM 
Started by suzukir122 - Last post by Baked bagel 11
That sounds epic! Sure is a shame I'm in Aus lol.
 9   General / Off-Topic / Re: When places used to allow cigarettes indoors  on: February 05, 2025, 09:21:24 PM 
Started by Cole D. - Last post by suzukir122
The previous owner of my sportcar vaped. The car smells really good though and it makes me question whether it was because of the vaping...?
I don't know, but regardless, it's still disgusting to me, personally. Not a fan of vapes, or smoking. I was 100% around during those days where
they had the smoking/non smoking sections in bars and certain fast food restaurants. There are plenty of things that I miss during the good ol days,
and that is definitely NOT one of them. lol
 10   General / Off-Topic / Major Apartment Plans  on: February 05, 2025, 09:01:24 PM 
Started by suzukir122 - Last post by suzukir122
As some of you know, I'm in the process of installing floating shelves and sitting fluorescent fixtures on top of those shelves... this is part of my major
apartment plan. I'm also going to save up to buy large screen TV's, one for downstairs, and one for upstairs. (Livingroom area.) Small furniture and small
tables as well, both upstairs and downstairs, and video game consoles... Xbox one for downstairs, Play Station 5 upstairs as well as N64. Netflix and all
that too. This style of apartment is pretty unique, and I want to be able to utilize this. I want to be able to invite friends over (which I have never done)
and throw parties/HAVE... FUN. I want to be able to bring fellow lighting enthusiasts here as well. You guys are my friends too, so that would be epic, and it
can be done. I'm also thinking about buying a small ping-pong table for the garage... I'd simply take the Genesis and Daytona out of the garage, and flip the
ping-pong table down from the wall... ehh, I'm sure there's a ping-pong table that allows for this. Obviously this would be epic with the Metal Halide Wallpacks
in use. This is something I've been thinking about for quite some time, and I really want to be done with *almost* all of this, by at least August, September or
October. We're all getting older, including me, although I may not look like it. I don't want to keep using this site but then never meet the people who
have similar interests. That would suck! So, I hope to be able to get to the point of bringing you guys here as well.
I've got to get on track... I'm currently saving up for this lighting idea while also saving up for a regular, generic car... so obviously this will take some time.
But yep, this plan will keep me busy... hopefully 2025 ends up being a great year.
Side note: I do weightlift, so I may look intimidating at times, but I'm actually one of the coolest people one could ever meet in person. This will never change.
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