Author Topic: Being here gives me extreme social anxiety  (Read 1205 times)

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Vintage HID Collector

Re: Being here gives me extreme social anxiety « Reply #15 on: May 02, 2024, 09:19:43 PM » Author: BT25
Yep, same here! :lol:

First known case of Westinghouse Lifeguard Disease! :lol:
If you can say yes to any of the following, you may have it too: :poof:
Can't resist buying more even if you already have an example in your collection? :lol:
Bank account/CC statement shows unnecessary spending? ::)

Cole D.

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123 V 60 CPS

Re: Being here gives me extreme social anxiety « Reply #16 on: May 02, 2024, 10:25:36 PM » Author: Cole D.
Well that’s good to know.

For me though I’m not the last post, I’ll be in a string of 3 or so replies and mine gets forgotten of them, but I guess sometimes things do get overlooked, and I’ve probably done it myself unintentionally.

But yes I’ve been a “thread killer” many times myself on many forums. 😂

Collect vintage incandescent and fluorescent fixtures. Also like HID lighting and streetlights.


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Re: Being here gives me extreme social anxiety « Reply #17 on: May 12, 2024, 12:47:46 AM » Author: Caroline
Sometimes I have nothing to say, and feel like commenting "I like this" on every picture it'd be post farming, so I say nothing. Perhaps other members feel the same and that's why you're not getting a ton of engagement.

I agree with Laurens in that 'big' social media is all about the likes, the points or whatever... not to mention all the bots that are used to inflate the numbers. If you comment on popular posts your comment will be one between hundreds or even thousands and the OP will never read it, so it's like screaming into the void.
Echo chambers. Twitter is an extremely toxic site because the algorithm "learns" (pattern recognition) from your likes and in exchange shows you posts that you WON'T like, it's an engagement bait to keep you posting and being part of endless debates, and apparently views generate money, so there's millions of rogue bots posting and making comments to get revenue, some are good enough you don't know it's a bot that's posting until you make a comment and it replies you back with nonsense.

tiktok traps you in a downwards spiral of doomscrolling that shows you worse and worse content the further you go down the rabbit hole

I've never liked that, hence why I'm not in any of those sites and prefer forums or even chill discord servers. The lighting community is apparently pretty niche, I knew when I saw photos of Photonic Induction's house and read one of the admins here actually knows him, that's nice. But, you won't find millions of people interested in lighting, I'm the weird one of the bunch, my "normie" friends have no clue what a diode is, or what CRI is, or why the light produced by an incandescent bulb isn't the same as the one produced by LEDs, but that's how the world is, they're my friends because we share other interests, like... dancing, or pizza, or manga, idk, not like I have dozens of friends either it's only 4 people lol

Just wanted to say I don't ignore posts, I just don't know what to say. This is just me in general, I do the same irl as in I don't know how to respond to certain things, so I stay quiet.

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Re: Being here gives me extreme social anxiety « Reply #18 on: May 12, 2024, 10:59:41 AM » Author: rjluna2
If I were you, I would stay away from Twitter and tik-tok since they are addictive media material :eoled:

It is a good thing that I'm not in the facebook, twitter, and other media platforms there saving for this lighting gallery and Internet Movie Car Database sites.

Pretty, please no more Chinese failure.

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