1   General / General Discussion / Re: Streetlights in Super Bowl Halftime Show  on: February 13, 2025, 04:02:11 PM 
Started by Maxim - Last post by GE PM
when I watched it, it looked like an ark. i originally thought it was a M-250A2 however the power door didn't look right.
 2   Advertisements / For Sale or Trade / Re: 16 Single Lamp HPF Rapid/Trigger Start magnetic Ballasts.  on: February 13, 2025, 08:16:28 AM 
Started by suzukir122 - Last post by suzukir122
@Maxim, I wouldn't mind learning more about shipping. So far I've given it a shot through Ebay, but haven't learned much about how to ship.
@Bulbman256, the 11 HPF Trigger Start magnetic ballasts are for F14T12, F15T12 and F20T12 tubes. (T8 lamps included as well.)
The 5 HPF Rapid Start magnetic ballasts are for PL-L 18w lamps.
 3   General / Off-Topic / Re: Severe weather never sleeps!  on: February 13, 2025, 08:04:10 AM 
Started by lightinglover8902 - Last post by suzukir122
@xmaslightguy, yep, you're right. Non severe storms can also bring down hail... I've seen a few strong thunderstorms bring down small hail.
I would typically like hail, a lot, had it not been for the severe damage threat that they typically bring. lol
 4   General / Off-Topic / Re: Gallery of Lights No Longer?  on: February 13, 2025, 07:58:14 AM 
Started by ace100w120v - Last post by rjluna2
It may have a chance that the hosting site needs to be reboot or something like that :-\
 5   Advertisements / For Sale or Trade / Re: 16 Single Lamp HPF Rapid/Trigger Start magnetic Ballasts.  on: February 12, 2025, 09:48:35 PM 
Started by suzukir122 - Last post by Bulbman256
What lamps are these ballasts for? :wndr:
 6   General / General Discussion / Re: Good job cooper.  on: February 12, 2025, 09:16:35 PM 
Started by Baked bagel 11 - Last post by fluorescent lover 40
Yeah I have seen one or two do that. I wonder if those had manufacturing defects.
 7   General / Off-Topic / Re: Severe weather never sleeps!  on: February 12, 2025, 08:43:46 PM 
Started by lightinglover8902 - Last post by xmaslightguy
Can't relly call it severe, but...
We had one of those arctic outbreaks move through here back in mid January.
And another arctic system (not as strong) this week. I hate this bitter freezing cold.

Quote from: suzukir122
Wait, hail? Hail is typically associated with severe thunderstorms
Non-severe thunderstorms can have hail large enough to cause damage as well.
If the hail gets to 1" or above then the storm should get severe-warned.

I hate all four... graupel, sleet, freezing rain and snow. Especially sleet, freezing rain and snow, 

I like Graupel(ie: "bean-bag snow"), its weird stuff & just kinda cool. And don't mind snow as long as I don't have to go out in it. .lol. We don't get freezing rain or ice-storms here.
The 3 I hate most :
Bitter cold (especially below zero)
Freezing Drizzle (that is truly nasty stuff)
Wind (all wind is bad, but wind+cold is far worse)
 8   General / General Discussion / Re: Good job cooper.  on: February 12, 2025, 08:02:18 PM 
Started by Baked bagel 11 - Last post by LightsoftheWest
I've noticed a few Verdeons that are burning their refractors and turning them orange and dim.
 9   General / Off-Topic / Re: Gallery of Lights No Longer?  on: February 12, 2025, 07:58:53 PM 
Started by ace100w120v - Last post by xmaslightguy
Quote from: Model25FanForever
I started on GOL in 2013, found this one in 2014 and was more active on GOL, and ended up here during one of the bigger downtimes from 2018-2019. Too bad as I had some pictures there I don't have on here
I did have some duplicates on both sites, but the majority of the stuff I put on there I didn't put here.. I was purposely trying to create/keep separate galleries for different things.
I don't bother with it anymore even though I have more photos I could post there.
 10   Lamps / Modern / Re: Have any US State fluorescent bans affected your ability to buy fluorescents?  on: February 12, 2025, 07:40:40 PM 
Started by WorldwideHIDCollectorUSA - Last post by WorldwideHIDCollectorUSA
Oh really, that is you!
I wish I could meetup and swap fluorescent tubes and ballasts one day.

Otherwise, fluorescent is what really got me "self-teaching" in the EE field. Even though it'll be moot, I kind of want to design my own electronic preheat ballast.
Now that fluorescent sale is banned in Colorado, I can't keep experimenting like I did. Busted way too many tubes and I just busted a perfectly good F15T12 by dropping a clamp on it... At least F15T12 is readily found for now.

Depending on context, I have often seen electronic programmed start ballasts referred to as electronic preheat ballasts by other collectors.
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