1   Lanterns/Fixtures / Modern / Current ernm added to their website!  on: Today at 03:18:10 AM 
Started by Baked bagel 11 - Last post by Baked bagel 11
It's finally been added!
 2   General / General Discussion / Re: Trump unbans the incandescent lamp in America  on: Today at 02:04:06 AM 
Started by James - Last post by Medved
I doubt the production would ever go beyond very small quantities. It was dying even before its ban, the ban just sped the things up a bit.
the thing is, incandescents, mainly produced in the "west", won't generate that much margin to make anyone go into the incandescent manufacture business en masse, unless the retail price would really return where it was at least half century ago, corrected for inflation. So we are talking about quite a few $ per single bulb, I do not see that much people buying them for that, when for the same you may buy way more efficient LEDs. I don't think anyone would be willing to return to the price wars which brought back the incandescent prices so ridiculously low just before the bans, don't forget the companies were already on the way out of their production, just playing the "don't be the first one" game...

So if any bulbs pop up, it would be cheepeese import with very questionable quality.
Or it will really become just very low volume niche, supplied by quality makers even when maintaining the bulb price high enough to be profitable and be purchased only by those who really want the incandescents and are willing to really pay extra for it.

I would like to see the later, but knowing how the society works, unfortunately the first seems to be more likely.
 3   General / General Discussion / Re: Trump unbans the incandescent lamp in America  on: Today at 01:46:27 AM 
Started by James - Last post by Laurens
I dont care, who is what, those who bring my :bulbman: lightbulbs  back, those are ones I like
Perhaps use those lights to shine a light on the abhorrent acts the glorious leader is proposing to do, and already has done.


A homosexual with a whole lot of american gay and transgender friends who are going through a much worse time than anyone who can't buy light bulbs in shops anymore could ever have.
"But he brought the glowy bulb back" My god, do you have any idea how incredibly bad and physically threathening the current situation is?!

I'm looking in from the outside, and i'm seeing so, SO much. I am not kidding when i say that the USA is back in the 1930s, just waiting for the new German-American Bund to get started up.
 4   Lanterns/Fixtures / Vintage & Antique / Re: Joslyn help  on: Today at 01:40:08 AM 
Started by Baked bagel 11 - Last post by Baked bagel 11
Don't buy the bowl for this light, it doesn't fit.
100 f****** dollars down the toilet. That's $525 of either broken of useless stuff I've bought in the past month. Nothing undamaged or that fits. And bear in mind that's usd, that's $830 aud.
 5   Lamps / Modern / Re: Have any US State fluorescent bans affected your ability to buy fluorescents?  on: January 22, 2025, 11:53:31 PM 
Started by WorldwideHIDCollectorUSA - Last post by sdsw4
Same in my area, all the big stores cleared out their fluorescents by the end of the year.
Ace had a few sizes of fluorescents in late Dec when I went in to look at Christmas light markdowns.. no clearances or notices that fluorescent would be going way, I bet that stuff is still on the shelves.

Any F20T12's? I have 4 GE F20T12 Bright white's but at 3500k they're not "warm" enough.

Also, looks like the big-chain retailers, such as Lowes, now block purchasing online within a "ban state." This blows.
 6   General / General Discussion / Re: Trump unbans the incandescent lamp in America  on: January 22, 2025, 10:42:53 PM 
Started by James - Last post by veso266
I did read some people say, how hard would be to make incondecent lightbulbs since manufacterers had to destroy their tools

But, the bulb itself is still being made, it just has a resistor and filament leds inside now

Also frosted versions as well

And lower wattages also are still made, so tungston is still produced I guess, so higher wattages just means thicker thungston

At the end I dont realy care, if the bulb is domestic or from china, since incondecent lightbulb is so simple, even chinese cant (... the word that means making something worse ...) up (no flickering, no rf interference to worry about)

The onlything that this ban did (besides destroying a whole industry) was that it was harder to aquire them (import them (I heard amazon wont ship to states that had the ban inplace and stuff like that)

So I am still happy (even if sadly I will not be able to take advantage of this, since I am in EU...)
 7   General / General Discussion / Re: Trump unbans the incandescent lamp in America  on: January 22, 2025, 09:40:47 PM 
Started by James - Last post by Patrick
I agree the chances that domestically made incandescent lamps making a comeback is near zero.  Even imported lamps under major brands will probably not return without a full repeal of the relevant law, which as I noted has not happened and is not likely too.  We might see a slight uptick in the availability of quasi-legal incandescent lamps from Asia, but I wonder how much of a market there even is at this point given the success of LED.  Not to get too into the politics of it, but I think many folks give too much credit or place too much blame on the president.  Had we had a different president or party in power these past four years, it's possible some lamps that disappeared would still be on the market, but the big picture wouldn't have changed.  Also if you remember the legislature did temporarily suspend enforcement by blocking spending at a couple points in the past, and manufacturers did not put banned lamps back on the market during those periods.
 8   General / General Discussion / Re: Trump unbans the incandescent lamp in America  on: January 22, 2025, 09:37:20 PM 
Started by James - Last post by veso266
No offense to anyone, but this is because Biden is a democrat. Democrats think that incandescent lamps are bad for the environment and could care less about freedom.

I dont care, who is what, those who bring my :bulbman: lightbulbs  back, those are ones I like
 9   General / General Discussion / Re: Good job cooper.  on: January 22, 2025, 09:10:42 PM 
Started by Baked bagel 11 - Last post by joseph_125
Yeah I thought they were discontinued a long time ago, when Cooper had a designed from scratch LED cobrahead in production.

Years ago, when my area was still trying out various LED luminaires for conversion, they installed about a dozen LED OVHs for testing, those are long gone, having been replaced when the LED conversion fully rolled out.
 10   General / General Discussion / Re: Trump unbans the incandescent lamp in America  on: January 22, 2025, 09:01:30 PM 
Started by James - Last post by joseph_125
Unfortunately companies aren't going to spend the time and effort to rebuild the supply chain for local incandescent lamp production anyway, maybe if something like this happened 10 years ago, it would have prevent some of the plants from shutting down. I'm not even sure the the banned wattages will even make a comeback.

You can see the same thing happening with HID and fluorescent production, the demand and looming bans meant the local fluorescent and HID production pretty much shut down as well.

As for the fixtures, I could see the basic incandescent fixtures still being made but intended for LED lamps. Even with fluorescent fixtures, some of the old fluorescent designs are still made but intended for use with LED tubes now.

That said, I'm guessing the higher end incandescent fixtures are probably no longer made, but that was the case for a lot of commercial incandescent fixtures after fluorescent lighting took off (eg saturn lights, high wattage commerical incandescent fixtures etc).
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