Author Topic: What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists?  (Read 2300 times)

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Long live the HPS and SOX!

What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists? « on: May 04, 2021, 12:19:31 AM » Author: HPS_250
This is just something I have been wondering about for a while, as I have began to listen to more diverse types of music recently. I like some “modern” 2010s-20s music, but I’m currently enjoying some earlier 2000s music and even 1970s-80s music. My favorite music artist is by far Bruce Springsteen right now, but I have others that I like, such as Bob Marley and also certain Queen songs. What kind of music do you listen to? Is there a specific genre, artist, or time period?

I’ve always been interested in all kinds of lighting, mainly incandescent and HID, and especially all kinds of sodium lamps (HPS/LPS). I’ll tolerate LED but I’m not a fan of it.
I’m not proud to say that my city has Devolved to LED.


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Mad Max

Re: What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists? « Reply #1 on: May 04, 2021, 12:24:33 AM » Author: Bulbman256
Think an electrician with a band name will see this one,!  :lol:

Myself I am an 80s rock guys, tour AC/DC Metallica etc. also a fan of Pink Floyd. A good modern rock band is bowling for soup I would look into them. :bulbman:

Collecting light bulbs since 2012, a madman since birth.


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Long live the HPS and SOX!

Re: What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists? « Reply #2 on: May 04, 2021, 12:26:43 AM » Author: HPS_250
Think an electrician with a band name will see this one,!  :lol:

Myself I am an 80s rock guys, tour AC/DC Metallica etc. also a fan of Pink Floyd. A good modern rock band is bowling for soup I would look into them. :bulbman:

I’m really liking 80s music recently too, I haven’t heard much of AC/DC though. I’ll look up some of those!
I found a lot of 1980s music that I’ve been enjoying here...
I also like some Van Halen, I didn’t mention that!

I’ve always been interested in all kinds of lighting, mainly incandescent and HID, and especially all kinds of sodium lamps (HPS/LPS). I’ll tolerate LED but I’m not a fan of it.
I’m not proud to say that my city has Devolved to LED.


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Matthew E.

Re: What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists? « Reply #3 on: May 04, 2021, 12:41:31 AM » Author: Econolite03
Domo arigato Mr. Roboto. I listen to Styx. I like mostly 80s stuff however I also like stuff from the 70s. I feel like the 70s (minus the Bee Gees) has become a forgotten decade, whereas the 80s is loved by many. In my opinion the 90s were bland, nothing but wimp rock. The 2000s were decent. Today’s music is complete garbage, most is pretty much autotune computerized insect music.
Re: What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists? « Reply #4 on: May 04, 2021, 12:42:07 AM » Author: Desultory13
Well naturally Desultory of course! 8)
Seriously I like all forms of rock from the 70s through the 80s.
My taste in rock varies greatly.
One minute I can listen to Led Zeppelin then some death metal like Morbid Angel,whom I've had the pleasure of hanging out with, then maybe some hard rock like Guns n Roses to real metal like Slayer. Just to name some
Led Zeppelin
Pink Floyd
Iron Maiden
Guns n Roses
Morbid Angel
There's certainly plenty more and this is one subject I can talk more about than lighting.
Hmmm this is got me all fired up.
Time to crank it up!! 8;)

"Lock up your wife and children now, it's time to wield the blade"

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Long live the HPS and SOX!

Re: What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists? « Reply #5 on: May 04, 2021, 12:51:49 AM » Author: HPS_250
Domo arigato Mr. Roboto. I listen to Styx. I like mostly 80s stuff however I also like stuff from the 70s. I feel like the 70s (minus the Bee Gees) has become a forgotten decade, whereas the 80s is loved by many. In my opinion the 90s were bland, nothing but wimp rock. The 2000s were decent. Today’s music is complete garbage, most is pretty much autotune computerized insect music.

I like both 70s and 80s too. The 90s music wasn’t great, I agree, but it’s still much better than most music today. Like I said, there is an occasional good modern song or album, but most of it is garbage to me at least. Even the 2010s were good compared to “modern” music today.

I’ve always been interested in all kinds of lighting, mainly incandescent and HID, and especially all kinds of sodium lamps (HPS/LPS). I’ll tolerate LED but I’m not a fan of it.
I’m not proud to say that my city has Devolved to LED.

Re: What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists? « Reply #6 on: May 04, 2021, 06:53:54 PM » Author: sox35
We like most music, from classical to probably around the 80's popular stuff. But very little since, sadly.

One exception to that is this amazing lady. Originally from San Diego, she now lives in Nashville. She first came over to the UK on tour in 2003, and she's been back over most years from then until before all this virus stuff started, now of course she's not able to  :'(

But the up side is, we've become good friends over the years. She even phones up sometimes, just to see how we are, and in the present climate, that is something really special. Eve, we love you  :-*  :love:

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Re: What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists? « Reply #7 on: May 04, 2021, 06:57:53 PM » Author: CreeRSW207
40s,50s,and 60s for me. I like some modern country songs too but I like those older songs. Some of the junk that plays today... I just shake my head.

Long live the Incandescent streetlights!
Power Company: Eversource
Startup Landscaping/LED retrofit business.

Das Rheingold

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Re: What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists? « Reply #8 on: May 06, 2021, 09:03:10 AM » Author: Das Rheingold
Mostly classical, Baroque, Romantic, Late/Post-Romantic, and some modernist.

Bach, Beethoven, Wagner, Pfitzner, Braunfels, Keinzl, Humperdinck, Bittner, Schmidt, Reznicek, R. Strauss, Langgaard, etc...
« Last Edit: May 06, 2021, 09:06:53 AM by Das Rheingold » Logged

My preference: Mercury Vapor > High Pressure Sodium > Metal Halide > Low Pressure Sodium > Incandescent > LED

Classical music appreciator, lover of all things machinery


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Re: What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists? « Reply #9 on: May 06, 2021, 03:18:55 PM » Author: sol
Mostly classical, Baroque, Romantic, Late/Post-Romantic, and some modernist.

Bach, Beethoven, Wagner, Pfitzner, Braunfels, Keinzl, Humperdinck, Bittner, Schmidt, Reznicek, R. Strauss, Langgaard, etc...


I just ordered, from eBay, Mozart's Symphony 40 in 45RPM vinyl.
Das Rheingold

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Re: What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists? « Reply #10 on: May 06, 2021, 11:06:41 PM » Author: Das Rheingold

I just ordered, from eBay, Mozart's Symphony 40 in 45RPM vinyl.

Ooh wow that’s awesome!

My preference: Mercury Vapor > High Pressure Sodium > Metal Halide > Low Pressure Sodium > Incandescent > LED

Classical music appreciator, lover of all things machinery


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Re: What kind of music are you a fan of? How about specific artists? « Reply #11 on: May 09, 2021, 04:45:36 AM » Author: CEB1993
Think an electrician with a band name will see this one,!  :lol:

Myself I am an 80s rock guys, tour AC/DC Metallica etc. also a fan of Pink Floyd. A good modern rock band is bowling for soup I would look into them. :bulbman:

Nice! I’m a Bowling for Soup fan myself. They’re one of my favorite newer rock bands. I like there songs “Come Back to Texas” and their cover of “I Melt with You.”

I’m mostly a classic rock fan with some classic country thrown in too. Some of my favorite bands or musicians:

John Mayer
Bowling for Soup
Talking Heads
Eric Clapton
Anne Murray
Johnny Denver
Johnny Cash
Allman Brothers Band
Rod Stewart
Lynyrd Skynyrd
The Eagles
Steve Miller Band
Jimmy Buffet
Don Henley
Pat Benatar
Billy Joel
« Last Edit: May 09, 2021, 04:55:51 AM by CEB1993 » Logged

Philips DuraMax and GE Miser forever!  Classic incandescents are the best incandescents!

Stop the lamp bans!

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