Does anyone her own a Holophane Lobay®? I'm curious to know if anyone else besides me has one. Mine is definitely not a reproduction. I would assume that it's is from the 1950s. It came with a prismatic borosilicate glass lens, a cord, a support ring made of cast iron, an aluminum housing, a porcelain E39 mogul socket, three support beams to suspend the housing and the lens, and a 300W incandescent bulb included. It still works!

It, and a bunch of 175W MV bulbs and yardblasters, had been sitting in a trailer for over 20 years. The original cord was ripped up, so we had to buy an entirely new one. All the metal parts were rusted out, so we used Rust-Oleum metallic Satin Nickel spray paint. Also, an E39 to E26 socket reducer was needed to fit a conventional bulb. We decided to put in a Philips 5W G25 LED filament bulb to give it an ambient feel. I also added a switch to the cord for convenience. It lights my reclining chair in my bedroom.