First off I'd just like to say to both Cree and Sailormoon not to leave as you each bring unique and special pictures to the site. Especially in the case of those high powered Xenon lamps. Sailormoon I wish we could talk some more as we're both electricians and I just would like to know more about those Xenon lamps.
That having been said now I'm going to put it the same way I would on the jobsite. I don't like bullsh!t, not from anyone. Especially pompous, spoiled, trash-talking roughnecks here who know it all, have a never ending bank roll of cash that can obtain any light. Or those that constantly run lamps on crazy jerry-rigged setups. Use the damn proper equipment before you injure yourself or someone else.
I left for about a month to calm down and to take care of some personal responsibilities, there's more to life than lighting sometimes.
I returned because I missed my "crew" and the wealth of pictures and knowledge here. Yet I'm still tired of the sh!tty immature attitude that I get from some. It's elementary school pettiness.
In the end why do we fight and disagree so much here anyway?? I mean we're all here for the same reason to enjoy lighting and learn more about it.
So why don't we leave the attitudes behind on here and let's just go to work, otherwise we're just wasting our time as well as others.
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I totally agree with this. Why fight if we’re here for the same reason?!
Long live the Incandescent streetlights! Power Company: Eversource Startup Landscaping/LED retrofit business.
Agreed. I know we've had our differences Jamie, but we're all here because we love lighting, it's not worth fighting over. However, if anyone has a legitimate concern or complaint that violates site rules, then please report it using the reporting function so that we are aware of it and can deal with it. Ria 
Agreed. I know we've had our differences Jamie, but we're all here because we love lighting, it's not worth fighting over.
However, if anyone has a legitimate concern or complaint that violates site rules, then please report it using the reporting function so that we are aware of it and can deal with it.
Totally agree here. Basically I think that we have a pretty good group here for the most part. Truth is it's our differences in lighting that makes our bond special. Since we learn from one another. So let's go out there and get it done! As an example Ria has the bases covered with SOX lamps. I'm the incandescent man and one of a few electricians here. James, well we all learn from James. Administrative question Ria, isn't the number 1 rule to relax and have fun??
Administrative question Ria, isn't the number 1 rule to relax and have fun??
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SRP for life.
I've been feeling the same way, except that I won't (at least I don't think I'll be) leaving. I've been causing way too many problems here and we all know that. First with false assumptions, then violation of site rules, now with causing members to leave.
LG's #1 North American light fixture identifier
**If anyone wants to learn more about any company or product you've never heard of before, do please leave a comment saying so on one of my gallery pictures or by PM, and I'd be happy to give a thorough explanation.**
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Long live the HPS and SOX!
Well said, I agree with everything you posted here. Why fight if we’re all here for one reason? We all are here for our lighting and electrical interests. Some members might act immature or spoiled, but there’s no need to fight. I’ve witnessed some problems myself during my time on LG, but I’m not going to leave because of it. I’ve also had some great conversations and interactions with members online and in-person!
By the way, welcome back Desultory13!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2021, 04:54:37 PM by HPS_250 »
I’ve always been interested in all kinds of lighting, mainly incandescent and HID, and especially all kinds of sodium lamps (HPS/LPS). I’ll tolerate LED but I’m not a fan of it. I’m not proud to say that my city has Devolved to LED.
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Formerly "TiCoune66". Also known here as Vince.
Before going any further, welcome back!  Now, is it just me or the art of disagreeing elegantly is a dying breed? It seems nowadays everybody jumps directly to personal attacks as soon as a discussion doesn't go in the direction they want it to go. I'm not even talking about how one personally feels about something that's been said, just how people behave themselves in a discussion. Things quickly get full of insults, direct or implied. People don't even seem to make the difference between "That thing you said, I don't like it" and "You're this, you're that, piece of *$?* go &"(? yourself!  ". there's a world, a UNIVERSE of difference. As emotional as I can get sometimes, I never, EVER fall into ad hominem arguments. Whatever I disagree with or just plain don't like is about WHAT has been said, never WHO said it. I may sound annoying with that, but it's a very important issue to me, I care immensely about it, I do. @LightsoftheWest - Remember what Jamie just said, the No.1 rule is to relax and have fun. Just try to avoid jumping up and down on people's toes - unless you're wearing steel toecaps, it hurts  And from my point of view, very few if any steel toed boots are feminine, and I have no intention of going around in Doc Martens 
I'm no shoemaker, but I can try to craft a pair of toecapped high heels. 

wide-lite 1000
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1,000,000 % agree Jamie !! I've said many times to both Admins and other members , I'm here to have fun , relax , share what I know and most importantly , LEARN !! If I want stress and aggravation , I'll just go to work !! While I understand fully that we're gonna argue , fight and disagree with each other from time to time , IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A FULL TIME THING !!!! There are a few members here who seem to take pride in badmouthing , criticizing , forcing their opinions and just plain throwing other members under the bus so to speak . As a group , we CANNOT survive this way !! How many fantastic bands/groups split up over creative differences and petty bickering. So to every LG member , think before you type !! Being a smart-ass can make you look like a dumb ass and cause one or more good members to pack up and leave !! We don't have to like and or comment on every photo or topic, I know I don't !! In the end , WE ALL LOSE !!!  Please everyone , TRY to at least be civil with your fellow members ! You don't need to be friends with everyone , but be civil !! Something my mom taught me...If you don't have anything nice to say than DON'T SAY ANYTHING !! I want this site to outlive me , NOT the other way around !!
Collector,Hoarder,Pack-rat! Clear mercury Rules!!
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Somewhere There Is Light(ning)
There will always be disagreements, and unfortunately I think its just human-nature (or something like that) and with some it will become more of an argument or worse. (hell, I've had little go-ins with other a couple members here over some-light-related thing. I don't remember exactly what now, and I'm not going to look back to see.) You're not going to get along with everyone. Its simply not going to happen. Best thing you can do is really not to even reply to a comment or pic you see that's simply not your thing (step away from the computer for a bit or whatever). If its a personal attack on you, ideally best thing you can do is report to admin without replying to it(and that I know is very difficult to do! nature is to reply and "let them have it" through a string of nasty words..) Oh and to simply adblock those members you are 'enemies' with (using that word very loosely here) so you don't accidentally end up commenting on one of their pic's ------------------- I want this site to outlive me , NOT the other way around !! Being a worn-out old man, I fully expect myself to EOL before the site does .lol.
ThunderStorms/Lightning/Tornados are meant to be hunted down & watched...not hidden from in the basement!