Author Topic: Use of derogatory terms  (Read 7092 times)
Use of derogatory terms « on: May 31, 2021, 07:50:13 PM » Author: sox35
It has come to our notice that some members have been using words in comments and posts which could be seen as derogatory by other members. One such word is 'redneck', in the context of describing poor workmanship. While this word is not specifically prohibited in the site rules, it can and has been seen as insulting by those who identify with the word to describe their family history or heritage.

I would remind all members of the revised site rules, in particular rules #1, #2 and #12 in this respect.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or any member of the admin team. Thank you for your attention.
Re: Use of derogatory terms « Reply #1 on: July 29, 2021, 06:56:46 PM » Author: sox35
It would seem from recent activity that things are not improving in this regard.

All members are reminded that offensive terms and in particular profanity/swearing will not be tolerated; in addition, this site is not the place to air personal grievances.
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