Yep. The engine was a 2.0L and until the problem with the bearings started to appear during the last 1000 miles or so that engine never once needed a repair, just an occasional tune up.
So that engine had a 170,000 miles on it before the problems started to appear.
Same thing with the transmission.
Retiring that car was one of my life's biggest regrets.
Bearings can be replaced and transmissions rebuilt.
Worse decision I ever made!
I know me, if I still had it today I'd still be tearing up the roads with it.
Yeah Joe I drove it like I stole it!
While at the same time trying to make the stereo louder and louder with the rock music, mainly to piss off those damn "boom boom" cars!
I have my best memories in that car.
Rock concerts, powerline equipment conquests, first electrician's job, as well several other things that I can't mention here.

I was surprised how many compliments that "Sunny" got.