as a few of you may now I builed a lamp testfield that was updated over and over agin. It may be seen
here (earlier version) and
here (YT german).
However it had issues. The ballast compartment was used ineffectively. The concept also of two different individual device, which are however completely useless without each other didn't appeal to me anymore. The complete thing was also made only for measuring and testing lamps, however I noted that it would also help me if I could test appliances, antique radios for example. Also it had no ability to test LEDs that needed an external driver. Also there was not enough place to put more lamp holders on, and I got a few new ones... Lastly I moved, and would anyway need to take it apart to transport it anyway, so I will rebuild it but in another cabinet and hopefully liquidating some of the drawbacks I encountered with the first design.
So what do I want:
--I want more visual control about what mode is made? Variac, fixed transformers, ballasts, Ignitors, selected outputs.
--Put ballasts most compactly together.
--An adjustable overvoltage protection to make sure not damaging antique incandescent lamps
--The ability to parallel ballast to ballasts special lamps
--Switchable between mono and triphase
--self regulating cap bank, while it is not necessary for small power lamps, it certainly is for high power lamps.
--more place for new lampholders
So, I started by searching a suitable enclosure, it was found rather fast in form from an old desk with steel base (necessary due to high weight) that was given away free locally. It is 157cm long 60cm deep and 75cm high.
Than I had to draw up my basic idea:

I will slowly start going into the individuals number slowly when I build it. However I am happy to answer any questions. Please ask.
My aim is to archive here the development of this product and hopefully also involve you guys.
I will put a disclaimer in here just to secure myself:
What will grow here in my basement may not be code compliant. It is for private use only. This may not be read as an instruction to build such a device. I do not aim to build the easiest contraption as possible however to build a most sophisticated one, so I may build things that may be seen unnecessary. Working with electricity can kill you. Im not responsible for whatever you do.
best regards,