I have a F40T12 CW Black ender, obviously made by Westinghouse and re-labeled for this company- Commercial Lighting Products, Inc. I found it in a church fixture, and it was the only one in there. I'm guessing late 70s/early 80s vintage. No blacking at the ends, fires up just fine. I think she still has a lot of life left in her.

I have 3 or 4 of these. All have extensive life on them, also took them out of a church building but they still work. Dark on both ends but not the complete end of life darkness yet. F40T12 Warm White, and based upon the end caps, I am guessing made by Sylvania and re-labeled for resale by someone else. I have one or two that look like they could have been made by GE as well with their style of end caps. Vintage is likely the mid to late 80s.

Another one I pulled out of a church building, F40T12CW. Only working Norelco Fluorescent bulb I've come across so far. I'm guessing late 70s/early 80s vintage, and looks almost as though it were made by GE and re-branded for Norelco, but I am not certain on that. Still works, but she is definitely reaching the end of her life. Her twins that were in that same building had burned out.

This could very well be the oldest I have. A Sylvania Lifeline F40WWX that I took from a shack up in the mountains (10,800 ft above sea level) Likely 60s/70s vintage. She still fires up after spending all her life in a cold climate. All the other bulbs in that shack which were mostly Westinghouse and a few other Lifelines were dead and when I tried to test, the end caps had corroded enough that they snapped off.

This one is my favorite. I have 4 or 5 of these, 3 of which are still in new condition I believe. They all work. F40T12 CWs Sylvania Thriftmates. Early 80s vintage.

That's it for the tubes right now, I'll post some of the old bulbs I have and work on later.
Denver, Colorado