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As the title says, do you believe in ghosts? This topic is to describe your feelings on the subject, your belief or disbelief, or any ghostly paranormal stories. I'm an avid Ghost Adventures fan, and watch it every Saturday night on the Travel Channel when the marathon is on. I do think my house is haunted, but only mildly, and I have a few theories why. First, I see some flying white orbs out of the corners of my eyes, like seen on GA. But that may be from admiring mh lights for a wee bit too long lol. I also hear some voices or noises, but I'm unsure if it's background noise or me being tired. Here are the theories: The entire neighborhood and others surrounding have been built on a now abandoned mine, and even some mine subsidence claimed a rec center of the nursing home down the street, which also housed my gramps.  Also, I found remnants of a house, a bridge, and even some barbed wire fence insulators back there. Also, the bike trail, which was a railroad, is where I found more building remains, and even a very old Bakelite ish cased Edison labeled battery, and I think it's at least 100 years old, I'll have to go back there. Back to Ghost Adventures: the show is very informative and enjoyable to watch. They have discovered some very groundbreaking evidence that favors the existence of ghosts, including full bodied apparitions and EVP recordings in full sentences, a rare event. Now for a puzzler: they hear all kinds of unexplained knocks and noises, and I sometimes dismiss it as outside interference. Here's the kicker, they actually caught a ghost orb hitting a wall, making the familiar knocking sound they hear, at the same time it hits the wall.  Also. Sad news for the paranormal exploration world. Mark and Debby Constantino were found dead today.  More details can be read here. Thoughts?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2015, 11:17:36 PM by Solanaceae »
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As for ghosts, I'm like 50/50 each way, not sure whether to believe or disbelieve. I don't think my house is haunted, though whenever at anyone else's house a door opens or slams shut from a draft, etc. I joke it's haunted. I think spirits can stay in a place, or that places have a "feel" or "aura" though. My thing though is that I'd never want to live in a house a person actually died in. (Even of natural causes in their sleep)
yes I believe.
between staying at my mom's house that my grandfather died in and my Grandparent's house that is on land that had been owned by the same family for over 100 years until they bought it in the late 50's shortly after the house was built I have seen/ heard quite a few things that have me convinced that both are at least slightly haunted. my moms house (about 65-70 years old) has someone that walks down the hallway at all times of the day! I have been home alone at 3PM and heard someone walk by the closed bathroom door when im in there and a couple times it was so convincing that I actually ran out and looked to see if my sister was home and I hadn't known! at night it feels like your being watched sometimes(that could just be nerves). we've seen weird lights in the woods across from us at the back of the field. in the garage I have heard voices and ben touched. we live where there used to be a few coal mines (saint Charles, Michigan) in an area called the ' prarie farms' and my family has lived in the area since about 1840. the original house is across the road and to the west about 500ft and I am told that was haunted as well. no one lives there now.
at my grandparent's house near lansing, Michigan we have a few outbuildings and there have been some occurences in them. I also collect antique kerosene lanterns and gas engines with most being close to or more than 100 years old. they could very well have a spirit attached to them. in the oldest barn on the property I have had someone tell me "HI!" when im the only one there many times and had small things thrown at me like pebbles and small rocks. something like a small child might do, in fact the voice that said hi was child-like. others have heard it too, including my Uncle. in the house I have seen 'things' moving out of the corners of my eyes. once my sister and I were arguing and a table lamp nearby turned itself on AND then off and we both heard the *click* of the slide switch on the socket actuating. we stopped arguing after that. once when I was in their basement working on a recently acquired engine I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and went over to see who it was because there was nobody home but me at the time and there was no-one there. I turned up the radio after that and still I felt as though I was being watched. their basement is REALLY creepy and I wont go down there at night. I snowmobile and ride in the back field which is grown up with trees and has a few trails. I was out with my Uncle riding 2 years ago at night and he stopped me beside the trail and said " how did you get up here? you were just behind me! I saw your headlight!" I hadn't been behind him at all. I was in front the whole time and was quite a distance ahead of him where he couldn't see me. the next time around through the area where I had been "following" him I had the same thing happen, except I looked back. there was a pure white light about chest -high off the ground keeping pace with me going about 25mph. I gunned it and took it up to about 45 and it was STILL there. it disappeared once I got to a turn in the trail about where he stopped me to talk and I haven't seen it since. it chased me probably a total distance of about 1/8 of a mile. weird for sure. our road is dirt and on the few adjacent dirt roads we've seen a few things. on our road there was a weird shadow you would see from time to time that would be human- shaped but it was walking about 5-6 feet off the ground! on the other road south of us there was a weid light you would see that would disappear once your lights hit it. it was just over the top of a hill about 3 ft off the road and as soon as your lights hit the area where it was as you crested the hill it would go out and leave no trace.
I could go on and on about the stuff ive seen.
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Paranormal is here, all around
However i do NOT agree with peeps who assume that everything paranormal is ghost related
EVP for example. It may be voice of an entity like a ghost. But it may just as well be a sort of "tape" left behind, that keeps "playing" when the site is interacted with in certain way, but no actual entity being there anymore. That why i have hard time to accept EVP as proof of the existence of a ghost in a certain place. I do accept EVP as a sign of possible presence of a ghost, or of past presence of one, definitely as a sign to look in more
And maybe the EVP is not related to any ghost activity at all. Who knows ?
The same for orbs, glowing lights, poltergeist activity. While poltergeist activity is a sign of some entity presence, it may be a different species than "ghost" or "soul"
The place here does not appear to be highly paranormal much tho. There is sometimes feeling of presence of some entity nearby, but i cant point any case where i had interaction with such entity around here - Allthough i definitely try to see and listen to all my feelings when i get this feeling
There is other thing though. I have sometimes feeling when something is wrong with a site, but cant usually point out what. And it is not related to seeing or hearing anything. So far i think that was the most extreme case of "feeling that something is wrong" i had :
Happened back in 2001 or so, i was a kid back then
We were riding by car from the south back to home in the far north of the country. Night (after midnight), we are standing in a red traffic light in a city through which our way goes (last big city on our way), everything around is nearly empty (3 lane road and we are like the only car there). Next to us is a train station building (empty, no trains in this hour) and some power lines interconnecting and stretching across the road
I am looking out of the window and suddenly a thought of "something nasty is going to happen here and we have to leave NOW" hits me. I associated it with the power line that was going above the road, and above our car, as if the power line is going to fall on us etc. The traffic light went green and we left the place continuing on our way
In the following morning (same day) about 10AM the train station was exploded by a terrorist attack
Aveo that are some great stories. Keep them coming !
Ash- that's actually kind of cool. premonitions are weird. ive had a few myself.
more stories: I frequent antique stores and I also get "feelings" about a place and sometimes you just have a feeling that something isn't quite right about a place. one that I was in had a back area that only had one way in or out and as soon as I walked into this particular area I got that feeling that something wasn't right, like I wasn't alone. there was a chair with a box full of books on it and after I walked by, the box slid off the chair onto the floor and knocked over some stuff making a very loud noise. keep in mind thus box was in the middle of the seat cushion which was flat as well. I don't know why it fell but I never went in the back of that place again. my old elementary school was built where a small coal mining town was at one time and we had all kinds of things go on there. the boys bathroom on the south side was haunted. someone would knock on the stall door when you were in there with the stall locked and you could see that there was no feet on the other side of the stall door. had the stall doors open once when I was standing washing my hands and there was another kid in there with me and he saw it too. they shut quite forcefully, not like they were just drifting shut due to a draft or something. the gym had some odd activity as well. it doubled as the lunchroom and the serving counter to the kitchen had some big roll down doors to cover the opening when it wasn't being used. we were sitting there one day waiting for the teacher to get started when there was a loud crash like some pans being dropped all over the floor so the teacher went and looked and there was nothing in the kitchen and all the lights were off. no pots or pans out of place.
I get feelings about places like the antique store quite frequently. at cemeteries I get it almost the whole time im there. there was one room at my college that would give you weird feelings as well. does anyone else get these feelings?
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I can feel things but it is allways place related, never had it be about an object or about objects present in a place
There is one place where i had consistent feeling of "freaky place". Not in any bad way or that something bad is gonna happen, or anything scary, just a "freaky place" which i could not point to anything specific
It was in the beginning of my military service in the IDF, in a training site called "camp 80". The place existed as a military site since the times of the foundation of Israel (40s), and for the most part of its life to this day served as training site. Sadly it is now scheduled for complete demolition to build a living quarter in its place
In my night time patrolling there around the sleeping camp, i tried very well to look into places where i would expect to see or hear something (as much as i could do within the patrolling plan i had to fulfill)
I have indeed seen some interesting light/shadow detail that does not appear inline with the lighting present there that would cast them (most old Mercury lanterns, few HPS floodlights in places), and i came close to have a look (for all legit reasons at once - interest in lighting, interest in visualising and drawing, interest if there is anything paranormal to see, and the patrolling duty). I would describe it as a sort of warp in the rules of geometrical optics taking place there, but not any entity sort of thing
Noises were in abundance, but being in an open places with trees and plantation around (that military site is notable for the amount of nature preserved inside - not a concrete wasteland) - so many little night critters in them, a road nearby and a gas station (with 24 hour hangout open in it) across the road, other patrols walking around (in a place which Earth surface is a lot of dry dusty mud and gravel), i cant attribute any of the sounds to paranormal more than to straightforward simple causes
In all i never found any specific "entity" there. But that place had clear feeling of being paranormal
For the most part unless i get this "feeling" for a specific place, i dont tend to link anything right away to being paranormal. I sure try to stay clear from assumptions that "if something is old / scary / deteriorating it must have paranormal in it", as if i would try to find paranormal intentionally i might "find" it where it does not really exist
In your previous story, i am interested about that "disappearing light" 3 feet away. Being at near arm's reach / one step away, i guess you would at least once try to reach it up close without pointing a light on it ?
Can you describe the light - Was it a "firefly in the grass" sort of thing ?
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When you closely experience what you think to be a ghost, do you feel a jolt of energy through your body? I was walking into my pitch black room at night after being in the basement working on lights (typical), I saw a greenish orb dash from my dresser to my bed, staying about 3 feet off the ground. I felt some energy through my body which I thought as a momentary numbing sensation followed by feeling absolutely drained. Granted, it was about midnight and I was the only one lurking around that late. After laying in bed for 15 mins or so I felt back to normal and have the energy of my previous state. The thing I hear is that the ghosts can take energy from batteries, people, or electromagnetic sources intended to help them to manifest, and use it to appear and do ghost things. Granny also says that gramps, who died last year in the hospital, is in his room at their house and wants us to visit. I don't know if it's granny being a bit batty or if it's for real, but it's ghosty. When her original husband died in the 80s, she said that she was awoken by noises and voices at night. 
« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 06:54:05 PM by Solanaceae »
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I had one interesting incident about a spot of light moving in my room, that had nothing to do with paranormal at all. Happened in the same dorm room as the burned EOL CFLs in the corridor story i mentioned elsewhere
Night, storm, winds, thunders, rain, i am sleeping. Awaken by sound of twisting metal. Still half in a dream, i see a yellow spot moving across my room
What it happened to be : Few tens feet outside of my window, at about the same height, was a streetlight - Modern HPS sag lens, emitting exactly a little light at the height of the window to cast a not too bright spot on the wall through the half closed blinds. Whoever installed the thing did not tighten too much the bolts..... The wind turned the bracket around the pole, so the streetlight ended up moving in an arch path (slowly as the bracket is twisting), and the spot it cast on the wall moved along
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Wow, your guys' are cool, interesting stories! Keep them coming! I've had those "premonitions" before, but for different thinking about someone a lot, them you find out they died, etc. Could just be irony though.
My late mother told me a paranormal story years ago though she was pretty sure was real, but I don't remember if she had anyone else with her that could validate it.
Her brother, my would-be uncle, died in 1973 of a peanut allergy. Anyway, not long afterward (Knowing where she was living at the time) she was in her apartment one night. They had these bells on the entry door, that jingled when the door was opened/closed. She heard the bells, thought it was her roommate coming home, (Late at night, worked the night shift, etc.) and instead it was her deceased brother. Apparently he beckoned/ told her to come with her, but she blatantly refused...NO!, etc. I don't remember any more details and she's also passed away now so I can't ask her to re-relate the story to me.
I can feel things but it is allways place related, never had it be about an object or about objects present in a place
There is one place where i had consistent feeling of "freaky place". Not in any bad way or that something bad is gonna happen, or anything scary, just a "freaky place" which i could not point to anything specific
It was in the beginning of my military service in the IDF, in a training site called "camp 80". The place existed as a military site since the times of the foundation of Israel (40s), and for the most part of its life to this day served as training site. Sadly it is now scheduled for complete demolition to build a living quarter in its place
In my night time patrolling there around the sleeping camp, i tried very well to look into places where i would expect to see or hear something (as much as i could do within the patrolling plan i had to fulfill)
I have indeed seen some interesting light/shadow detail that does not appear inline with the lighting present there that would cast them (most old Mercury lanterns, few HPS floodlights in places), and i came close to have a look (for all legit reasons at once - interest in lighting, interest in visualising and drawing, interest if there is anything paranormal to see, and the patrolling duty). I would describe it as a sort of warp in the rules of geometrical optics taking place there, but not any entity sort of thing
Noises were in abundance, but being in an open places with trees and plantation around (that military site is notable for the amount of nature preserved inside - not a concrete wasteland) - so many little night critters in them, a road nearby and a gas station (with 24 hour hangout open in it) across the road, other patrols walking around (in a place which Earth surface is a lot of dry dusty mud and gravel), i cant attribute any of the sounds to paranormal more than to straightforward simple causes
In all i never found any specific "entity" there. But that place had clear feeling of being paranormal
For the most part unless i get this "feeling" for a specific place, i dont tend to link anything right away to being paranormal. I sure try to stay clear from assumptions that "if something is old / scary / deteriorating it must have paranormal in it", as if i would try to find paranormal intentionally i might "find" it where it does not really exist
In your previous story, i am interested about that "disappearing light" 3 feet away. Being at near arm's reach / one step away, i guess you would at least once try to reach it up close without pointing a light on it ?
Can you describe the light - Was it a "firefly in the grass" sort of thing ?
The light was 3 feet off the road and I was in a car. The thing looked to be the size of a tennis ball and was about 2 feet off the ground. No idea what it was. Glowed kind of a greenish color.
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At the transmitter plant a man was killed in one of our transmitters here while working on it.Right now that transmitter is down and none of us can figure out what is wrong.Parts and such check normal.It should work--Is it haunted--??A team from Germany is coming to check it-that is where the rig was built in 1985.Also the rig has gone thru 4 HV transformers.One fellow out here says he gets a cold feeling each time he goes by that transmitter.Sometimes I do as well.Out in the towerfeild sometimes see weird lights-and they are above the antenna towers.One time there was a VERY bright yellow light--almost like a really big HPS light-that lit the whole towerfeild-and no sounds-and the light was perfectly still.Another night there are clusters of lights sorrounding the plant and lighting it like a giant ball stadium.At the sister plant another worker says he saw UFO like things hovering over the towerfeild.
tolivac- ive heard of ghosts affecting equipment before. its a well known "fact" that they can drain batteries.
In my grandparents basement (the one I called creepy earlier) there are 2 smoke detectors and you cant keep batteries in them. I would say they last about half as long as the ones upstairs do. its not temperature related either because the basement has a vent from the furnace and it keeps it about 65deg F all the time, even in the winter. the batteries we have been using are Duracell alkaline 9-volts. that's the only explanation I can come up with. the smoke detectors aren't old or anything and we have some that are just like them (same brand and everything) upstairs and the batteries last for nearly a year while the basement ones last 4-6 months.
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Are the smoke detectors really identical - Installed same date ? Manufacturers sometimes change construction detail without any special identification on the outside. One resistor of different value and you get what you get....What about dark-loving spiders making a nest behind the circuit board inside the detector
Were there any false alarms from teh affected detectors ?
Are the smoke detectors really identical - Installed same date ? Manufacturers sometimes change construction detail without any special identification on the outside. One resistor of different value and you get what you get....What about dark-loving spiders making a nest behind the circuit board inside the detector
Were there any false alarms from teh affected detectors ?
both are exactly the same as the one upstairs and were bought along with the one upstairs at the same time. they're only about 1 1/2 years old. no false alarms though. just they eat batteries. weird huh?
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Aveo: have you recorded any of the things you see and hear on camera? I once hooked a live feed IR security cam to the back room basement room tv. I got the lights off and then pointed the camera to the back of the room while observing the screen. I saw three orbs on it: one came from the side of the bunk bed latter and zoomed and dissipated in the wall. The second got out of the beanbag chair and headed toward me and the cam, but it dissipated. The third one was astounding. I traced it going from the beanbag, twenty feet and disappearing in the closet across from it. I that time, it changed shape and size, and weakened as it went.
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