I have one vintage radio, a 1970s GE flip-number clock-radio.
Somewhere I've got one of those GE flip-number clock-radios stored away in a box somewhere .. probably early 80's, or late 70's at the oldest.
This thread also made me remember something from years gone by: somewhere I've got a boombox that does SW...when I was young (like highschool age when I got it) I'd occasionally enjoy going through the SW bands at night to see what I could pick up

even though 'boring' one of my favorites was the was the atomic clock's station. There's some weird senseless stuff out there too.
Even now Its kinda fun to now & then go through the FM 'dial' and see what's out there (in this case on my modern digital tuner - I don't do vintage or analog for stereo equipment).
In the daytime, sure you'll get the normal/big stations...but forget anything farther out, and forget the HD-radio signal some stations do (the electronic-ballasted fluorescents absolutely kill that part of the signal). Seems like as years go by getting a decent signal is getting harder -- probably as more "electronic 'stuff' " (not just lights) is added by people in the neighborhood?