Hi CEB 93
Aveil 14th - Thats so cool that they tried to do a piece on a classical piano, which is what you least expect of some crazy synthesiser electronica band to do! Probably to lure more people who like the sound of the classical piano
Ziggomatic17: Sounds like an arcade room thats gone all hyper

or shall we say some totally new soundtrack for a Mario game or any 8 bit game
Xepha sounds like a foghorn gone mad at me

reminds me when I stayed at the Isle of Wight (tiny tooth shaped island of South England within English Channel) 5 mins from the seaside and during foggy/rainy days the foghorn would blast out twice every 15-16 seconds. Pcycadelic madness I must say
Nanou2: So very modern classical romantic style brought into the very late 20th or 21st Century. Think my mum will like that as she is a classical piano player herself! In fact its my more favourite classical style to the Avril 14th IMO but still very good that they embraced the classical piano, I guess it is how AFX Twin managed to gain or preserve its audience. I am so attached to its slow sombre mood as it reminds me slightly of Chopin
4bit 9d api+e+6 Oh my goodness that is amazing, seriously if the game franchise COD had this soundtrack or similar I would consider playing it. But since COD lacks good music I will not be playing it, though I was a bit impressed with the Zombies game that my cousin has on his iPhone 4 that he had for 7 years!!
4: That track is excellent IMO I like to listen to it whilst on the train and when I'm running on the treadmill! I am so bad when it come to regular gym routines as I've stopped this summer going to the gym well since like late April because of a lot of things including my violin and sport is not my strong point of me although I do find some sport games (apart from playing football and rugby) quite fun like tennis, badminton, b ball etc.
We Have Arrived: Not to my sort of taste but I can see how cool it can sound
Beskhu3epnm: Sounds like perfect for Minecraft!
On - its brilliant, especially the starting tune

another cracker which I will add to my shower playlist
15: Car advert style electronica music

In the shower or car playlist
#9: Again not to my taste but its good to listen
Tha is really awesome as I love the background "The train from platform ##" followed by someone undoing a velcro strap

perfect for the train commute. LU thoughts come to mind
I can understand why a lighting fanatic like me and you CEB93 would grow into this sort of electronica music.

Off topic one track from a group called Demdike stare, this time they're more abstract than AFX Twin
https://youtu.be/07SXL42Zvxc this sounds like a 50/100Hz transformer at a sub station in the UK or a bunch of FL lighting running on UK 50Hz frequency magnetic ballasts