Author Topic: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group)  (Read 11032 times)

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Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « on: July 30, 2017, 09:41:37 AM » Author: Flurofan96
Hey all  ;)

Any of you LG members listen to or is a fan of the electronica group, Aphex Twin (AFX)??

I have for some time since discovering AFX twin been quite of a fan, not totally diehard but I can 100% appreciate their style of music because they seem to play around with some weird/awesome tunes/sound effects with strong bass beats and techno drumbeats  8) 8) I can so relate to their weird awesome nature of their music. I post you some really good examples on this thread and one of the songs involves a vacuum cleaner at the start and it switches off hearing the dying motor sound before the tune starts (Vacuum cleaner sample at the start  ;D 8) ) it has a snazzy Jazzy/Bluesy feel to it! (at 0.37 it starts to sound sick and makes me think of driving in a tunnel full of T12 Fl lighting) - Makes me think of an HID lit store Makes me think of Australia in the future (MVlamps I hope you like this!!!) (from a full album but has a time tag to the part of one track where someone sounds as if she's saying "I want to push IKEA"  ;D ;D ) (Full album of the 21 year old yep 21 year old! Richard D James album! I crack up every time I see the design of the album front cover because whoever posed in the pic who is Richard James looks almost very much a younger version of the boyfriend of my mum's closest friend. Yep him who decorated our three bathrooms and found me an old MH lamp  ;D ( I listen to this whilst I'm in the shower. The track Entrance to Exit is my favourite its so fantastic to listen even on a train journey to London!!)

So then enjoy listening and feel free to comment on the tracks & albums I've posted  :)

All best
FF96  :) :) ;)


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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #1 on: July 30, 2017, 11:11:17 AM » Author: CEB1993
I had not heard of Aphex Twin until today and I looked it up on Spotify.  Really cool and unique electronic music!  I like any kind of smooth jazz or "elevator music" while I'm driving or studying, and this sounds really cool!  I'm always excited to find music that's really new and unique.
 Great recommendation, Fluroflan96!

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Stop the lamp bans!


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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #2 on: July 30, 2017, 11:18:43 AM » Author: CEB1993
Your tracks posted here are sweet!  The 2nd and 3rd ones remind me of driving fast at night with my new Philips CrystalVision xenon style headlights going.  The one with the didgeridoo is really awesome and reminds me of Rocko's Modern Life, an American cartoon from the 90's about an Australian wallaby.  I like the last track too.  It's a lot like progressive rock from bands like Rush who have different movements throughout the same song.  Awesome music, rock on FF96 8)

Philips DuraMax and GE Miser forever!  Classic incandescents are the best incandescents!

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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #3 on: July 30, 2017, 12:04:07 PM » Author: Flurofan96
Super, CEB1993 I'm glad you've found a new music artist to listen too  8) seems I've started you off very well. It does grow on you for definate.

Some more tracks and these are the first ones that drew me in about 2- 3 years ago!!! - Heliosphan. Listened to it numerous amount of times when I was on the LU tube commuting around London and on the bus as well as train. - XTAL: Now this track, XTAL started my obsession with Aphex Twin as it reminded me as a young small boy in a warehouse store shop that had lowbay HID MH fixtures!!! This would be great elevator music IMO - OMG this should be used for any re released PAC-MAN game soundtrack! Literally discovered it yesterday and its a work of art

 Quote from CEB93: "The 2nd and 3rd ones remind me of driving fast at night with my new Philips CrystalVision xenon style headlights going.  The one with the didgeridoo is really awesome and reminds me of Rocko's Modern Life, an American cartoon from the 90's about an Australian wallaby.  I like the last track too.  It's a lot like progressive rock from bands like Rush who have different movements throughout the same song.  Awesome music, rock on FF96"

2nd and 3rd ones are my favourite ones but the 2nd one has more energy in it  8) I too just cannot stop thinking of the digidoo one  ;D

Which 'last track' name youre referring to?

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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #4 on: July 30, 2017, 01:02:27 PM » Author: CEB1993
The last track that I mentioned was the 1991 Analogue Bubblebath from your first post. I added Heliosphan and XTAL to my playlist. Really chill sounding!  AFX is really cool and a great new flavor of a style of music that I've always enjoyed!

Here's my playlist:

Analogue Bubblebath
Avril 14
4bit 9d api+e+6
We Have Arrived


Philips DuraMax and GE Miser forever!  Classic incandescents are the best incandescents!

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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #5 on: July 30, 2017, 04:54:41 PM » Author: Flurofan96
Hi CEB 93

Aveil 14th - Thats so cool that they tried to do a piece on a classical piano, which is what you least expect of some crazy synthesiser electronica band to do! Probably to lure more people who like the sound of the classical piano

Ziggomatic17: Sounds like an arcade room thats gone all hyper  ;D ;D 8) or shall we say some totally new soundtrack for a Mario game or any 8 bit game  :D

Xepha sounds like a foghorn gone mad at me  ;D :D reminds me when I stayed at the Isle of Wight (tiny tooth shaped island of South England within English Channel) 5 mins from the seaside and during foggy/rainy days the foghorn would blast out twice every 15-16 seconds. Pcycadelic madness I must say

Nanou2: So very modern classical romantic style brought into the very late 20th or 21st Century. Think my mum will like that as she is a classical piano player herself! In fact its my more favourite classical style to the Avril 14th IMO but still very good that they embraced the classical piano, I guess it is how AFX Twin managed to gain or preserve its audience. I am so attached to its slow sombre mood as it reminds me slightly of Chopin  8)

4bit 9d api+e+6 Oh my goodness that is amazing, seriously if the game franchise COD had this soundtrack or similar I would consider playing it. But since COD lacks good music I will not be playing it, though I was a bit impressed with the Zombies game that my cousin has on his iPhone 4 that he had for 7 years!!

4: That track is excellent IMO I like to listen to it whilst on the train and when I'm running on the treadmill! I am so bad when it come to regular gym routines as I've stopped this summer going to the gym well since like late April because of a lot of things including my violin and sport is not my strong point of me although I do find some sport games (apart from playing football and rugby) quite fun like tennis, badminton, b ball etc.

We Have Arrived: Not to my sort of taste but I can see how cool it can sound  ;) ;)

Beskhu3epnm: Sounds like perfect for Minecraft!

On - its brilliant, especially the starting tune  8) 8) another cracker which I will add to my shower playlist

15: Car advert style electronica music  8) 8) In the shower or car playlist  :D

#9: Again not to my taste but its good to listen

Tha is really awesome as I love the background "The train from platform ##" followed by someone undoing a velcro strap  8) 8) perfect for the train commute. LU thoughts come to mind

I can understand why a lighting fanatic like me and you CEB93 would grow into this sort of electronica music.  8) Off topic one track from a group called Demdike stare, this time they're more abstract than AFX Twin this sounds like a 50/100Hz transformer at a sub station in the UK or a bunch of FL lighting running on UK 50Hz frequency magnetic ballasts

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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #6 on: July 30, 2017, 10:29:02 PM » Author: CEB1993
I listen to Deadmau5 and they have a song called 8bit which reminds me a lot of Ziggomatic17.  Those kinds of songs give off a retro video game vibe  8)

Avril 14 sounds pretty with the piano and is a relaxing compliment from the more energetic Ziggomatic17 and Xepha.  I like to go for a variety of different beats in my playlists.

AFX has songs for just about anything from chilling out to exercising.  It ranges from slow, melancholy, and relaxed sounds to exhilarating and fast paced sounds.   I tried to pick a variety of different sounding songs, they all sound cool!  I played a lot of GameCube games when I was younger and much of this music reminds me of the electronic background music from the games I used to play like Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. 

Philips DuraMax and GE Miser forever!  Classic incandescents are the best incandescents!

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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #7 on: August 10, 2017, 08:42:26 AM » Author: Flurofan96
CEB1993 Check this one out Polynominal C is so beautiful

I don't know much about Deadmau5 as I don't listen to this group, soz about that. I like a bit of variety in music especially with the same artist/group that makes them more interesting This is also cool Under the name of Polygon Window but its the man of AFX Twin who composed this!!!! Think of a brutalist 70s building with recessed FL lighting that has T12 tubes and other cool surface mount T12 FL lighting within the building


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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #8 on: August 10, 2017, 12:20:56 PM » Author: CEB1993
CEB1993 Check this one out Polynominal C is so beautiful

I don't know much about Deadmau5 as I don't listen to this group, soz about that. I like a bit of variety in music especially with the same artist/group that makes them more interesting This is also cool Under the name of Polygon Window but its the man of AFX Twin who composed this!!!! Think of a brutalist 70s building with recessed FL lighting that has T12 tubes and other cool surface mount T12 FL lighting within the building

Hey Flurofan96,

I added Polynomial C to my Spotify playlist last week.  It really sounds cool.  My favorite songs so far are 4 from the Richard D. James Album, Digeridoo from the Digital Archive album, and Heliosphan.  Heliosphan reminds me of another electronic/jazz artist, Jah Wobble who I listen to.  The Lisbon Acid sounds like good driving music, especially at night and Dice Man sounds more subdued and sort of suspenseful.  Both are really cool! Thank you for your recommendations  :D
« Last Edit: August 10, 2017, 12:24:35 PM by CEB1993 » Logged

Philips DuraMax and GE Miser forever!  Classic incandescents are the best incandescents!

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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #9 on: August 10, 2017, 09:00:08 PM » Author: xmaslightguy
I've heard of Aphex Twin (and know I've heard some of their music)...but surprised I don't have any of their CD's .. I guess that's something to keep a watch for at the local used CD place.

ThunderStorms/Lightning/Tornados are meant to be hunted down & watched...not hidden from in the basement!


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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #10 on: August 21, 2017, 04:17:33 PM » Author: Flurofan96
Aphex Twin style of electronic music is something that actually feels like a part of my soul and you get feelings when you see something that has a weird aura but at the same time looks/feels pretty like every lighting enthusiast sees old lighting  8)

So far I only collected one CD of AFX Twin that is the Windowlicker EP and I've got 4 tracks from the SAW 85-92 album (Xtal, Helipshan, Tha and Atrium) electronically from iTunes, same for the Richard D James album! The rest of AFX I can only access YT to listen

Here is another song I like of AFX Twin this is like being on a FL lit street

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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #11 on: August 21, 2017, 10:45:15 PM » Author: xmaslightguy
I'll have to check out that YouTube link later ... when both my other computer and stereo are on. :)
I don't do iTunes (or any of the other "pay for 'nothings'  sites). I do enjoy looking through CD's at garage-sales or the local used media store though.

ThunderStorms/Lightning/Tornados are meant to be hunted down & watched...not hidden from in the basement!


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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #12 on: August 21, 2017, 11:01:25 PM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
my mum likes Aphex twin.


:colorbulb: Scavenger, Urban Explorer, Lighting Enthusiast and Creator of homebrewlamps 8) :colorbulb:


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Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #13 on: August 22, 2017, 08:20:05 AM » Author: Flurofan96
Xmaslightsguy: I am not a fan of downloading music for offline use because you don't get that feeling that you "own" it! I use an ipod and my method of installing albums is to:

1: find/buy CD
2: insert it to my imac for iTunes library to read and import the cd
3: sync cd content on my ipod

So I love collecting cds as well as having my ipod with me. There is a music shop in Reading that sells cracking cds mostly dance, electronic and all the classic rock artists such as Elvis, Jimmy Hendrix, The Beatles and many more. They have a small classical music selection but it doesn't matter as at home we have loads of Classical music cds.

HBL: that's cool that yer mum like AFX Twin

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SodiumVapor 105843202020668111118 UCpGClK_9OH8N4QkD1fp-jNw majorpayne1226 187567902@N04/
Re: Anyone listens or is a fan of Aphex Twin/AFX ?? (Music electronica group) « Reply #14 on: August 22, 2017, 10:04:52 AM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
last i counted i had 3174 all are either 320kbs MP3,195kbs OGG or FLACon my MP3 player... lol i dont use things like itunes ... i have no need for them really, i hate my phone so really syncing anything is of no use unless its a USB cable lol


:colorbulb: Scavenger, Urban Explorer, Lighting Enthusiast and Creator of homebrewlamps 8) :colorbulb:

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