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Legit same here... "Cool, laid back, chill," those are three things that represent me as well and it's always been that way. As far as not being normal... I absolutely LOVE not being normal. I hate the thought of being normal, plain, regular, boring, etc. Normal... well... normal sucks. People that can accept this about me, no matter their lifestyle, will more than likely be a friend of mine. I truly hope things get better as well, and that this covid situation ends very soon. This situation is absolutely shattering all social aspects of life and more. I'll remain optimistic though and I advise all of you to do the same... things will get better. 
Interests: 1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent) 2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic 3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds 4. Food and drinks. So gimme them bbq ribs Lighting has ALWAYS been a passion of mine. I consider everyone on here to be a friend
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Somewhere There Is Light(ning)
Xmaslightguy, Not sure why you're so down on yourself but we can always talk. I've been known to overdo a few Xmas light displays over the years and I'm always looking for advice on how to keep overdoing it.
Just saying things as they are. I've deff been known to do some Xmas light displays over the years...and even beat the 25k light count in that 'Christmas Vacation' movie on some of them .lol. ...but in my case its all Mini/LED lights & all computer controlled.  Not quite to the level of those houses you see on TV, but I guess you could say a way slimmed-down version of that type of thing.
ThunderStorms/Lightning/Tornados are meant to be hunted down & watched...not hidden from in the basement!
Just saying things as they are.
I've deff been known to do some Xmas light displays over the years...and even beat the 25k light count in that 'Christmas Vacation' movie on some of them .lol. ...but in my case its all Mini/LED lights & all computer controlled.  Not quite to the level of those houses you see on TV, but I guess you could say a way slimmed-down version of that type of thing.
Well anyone that can build massive computer controlled Xmas light displays doesn't sound so bad to me. I could probably keep up with the amount of lights but you're one step ahead of me with the computer controls. I use minis but I'm still living in the past with C7 and C9 strings. Actually I'm still living in the 80s for just about everything.
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Mad Max
@Bulbman256, Pressure about fitting in on social media that's something I didn't know about in school but I certainly know how tough middle school can be. Don't put yourself down. I remember that picture you posted of you rewiring the dryer. I can't think of any kid your age that can do that. You're already one step ahead of the other kids in your school. Use that for strength when the pressure is on.
Thanks Wireman, i usually stay off social media and dont like most of it so i dont need to fit in. Middle school is tough and i know sort of get it retroactively. Having some sort of understanding of a field is good and sort of being the only guy that knows is somewhat supporting. Kids where also really rough there and im hoping when i start highschool that due to the 'Rona that the people at my new school will be a bit more open to others. I was also ranting a bit about that place, it was flawed in a lot of ways and im glad im gone.
Collecting light bulbs since 2012, a madman since birth.
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Somewhere There Is Light(ning)
Well anyone that can build massive computer controlled Xmas light displays doesn't sound so bad to me. I could probably keep up with the amount of lights but you're one step ahead of me with the computer controls. I use minis but I'm still living in the past with C7 and C9 strings. Actually I'm still living in the 80s for just about everything. Yep, the computer-control adds a whole new thing (plus there's the extra time for programming (or as they call it 'sequencing')) .LOL. I always liked the old C9 lights (and always will)...but for the most part don't use them anymore - takes too much power & I don't really have a good spot since everything else is mini/LED-mini. 80's is good when you're talking lights, and the best when you're talking music....
ThunderStorms/Lightning/Tornados are meant to be hunted down & watched...not hidden from in the basement!
Yep, the computer-control adds a whole new thing (plus there's the extra time for programming (or as they call it 'sequencing')) .LOL.
I always liked the old C9 lights (and always will)...but for the most part don't use them anymore - takes too much power & I don't really have a good spot since everything else is mini/LED-mini.
80's is good when you're talking lights, and the best when you're talking music....
80s lights and music, you're NOT socially awkward you just need to talk to people who understand what's cool! LG certainly is a good start. Myself I live in South Florida and nobody here understands anything about what's cool. Right now I'm trying to get a collection going of 80s incandescents from GE but it's not easy! I certainly could use some help with that. 80s music I could start a whole off-topic thread with that one. I'm mostly into metal of all kinds and lately it's been all about Slayer and Venom well that may be to intense around here but I've gone back to my heavy metal days. If you ever want to talk lights or music just let me know.
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I have a problem with "brain blocks" when someone asks me basic questions like "What movies do you like?, What music do you like?, what do you like to do for fun?, etc." Given adequate time, I have a lot to say to these sorts of questions, but I can stumble over my words when asked on the spot. It's especially awkward when it's asked in a work or school setting where I'm always trying to put my best foot forward and avoid looking incompetent or vulnerable in front of colleagues and authority figures.
I grew up being told that being vulnerable and discussing mental problems is unacceptable. To that end, I've struggled to be confident about situations like dating, interviews, meeting new people, etc. Sometimes I think no response is the best response because my social anxiety often makes me hesitant to speak up or be assertive. I have noticed that discussing feelings, mental problems, and disclosing vulnerability is slowly becoming more socially acceptable, even in the past 10 years.
Philips DuraMax and GE Miser forever! Classic incandescents are the best incandescents!
Stop the lamp bans!
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I was diagnosed years ago with high functioning autism. Than not only explains my social awkwardness but my obsession with random things case in point fluorescent lights. Ironic as I have read most people with it hate fluorescent lighting because they are more sensitive to the flickering.
I think that goes for a lot of us here, including me. I've never been officially diagnosed, but the symptoms all fit, so that's what I'm assuming.
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Matthew E.
I am pretty shy and anti-social in person. However I feel more comfortable communicating through texts and messages, like right now. A lot of people denounce the fact I’m a “lighting-enthusiast” and tell me to keep it secret as they tell me “it’s not normal”, so L-G is the only way to share this hobby.
fluorescent lover 40
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I am pretty shy and anti-social in person. However I feel more comfortable communicating through texts and messages, like right now. A lot of people denounce the fact I’m a “lighting-enthusiast” and tell me to keep it secret as they tell me “it’s not normal”, so L-G is the only way to share this hobby.
That's really unfortunate that people denounce the fact that you like lights. I've never been told that liking lights is "weird". My friends find it cool. Though with that being said, because I don't play games and do the stuff they do, it leads to me being alone most of the time, spending a lot of my time here on LG.
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Somewhere There Is Light(ning)
80s lights and music, you're NOT socially awkward you just need to talk to people who understand what's cool! LG certainly is a good start. Myself I live in South Florida and nobody here understands anything about what's cool. Right now I'm trying to get a collection going of 80s incandescents from GE but it's not easy! I certainly could use some help with that. 80s music I could start a whole off-topic thread with that one. I'm mostly into metal of all kinds and lately it's been all about Slayer and Venom well that may be to intense around here but I've gone back to my heavy metal days. If you ever want to talk lights or music just let me know. Somehow I guess I missed this reply. There is(well there WAS until Covid killed stuff like in-person meetings) a group of people here who are into Christmas lights and do a monthly meetup to talk displays/lights/related .. some of the guys there do the type of displays you see on TV(infact one even made it onto "The Great Christmas Light Fight" show) .. cool stuff! I always tried to attend those meetups .. because its lights! I do hope that eventually the group restarts/gets back together once all this crap is over with. Yeah 80's music could have its own topic! .lol. I like a bit of a bunch of different stuff.. metal/rock/pop/techno/country .. it all depends on what I 'feel like' listening to that day.
ThunderStorms/Lightning/Tornados are meant to be hunted down & watched...not hidden from in the basement!
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/X rated
I was diagnosed years ago with high functioning autism. Than not only explains my social awkwardness but my obsession with random things case in point fluorescent lights. Ironic as I have read most people with it hate fluorescent lighting because they are more sensitive to the flickering.
Same here, except flickering fluorescent lights actually DO bother me.  I've never been able to appreciate preheat fluorescents the way some members here do. I also was labeled as "gifted" when I was 9 or 10 which I quickly came to realize means nothing more than "you may have some serious talents and abilities but they aren't going to get you anywhere".
Unofficial LG Discord
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Matthew E.
I’m selectively mute, so I tend to be quiet unless I trust whoever I’m talking to, or I communicate through texting or online messages.
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All lighting except LED rules!
I am very socially awkward. I really don't like to talk to others in person but I am fine when I am talking to someone online, like on here. I used to be fine but in 6th-7th grade I got severly bullied to the point I just stopped talking to everyone, including my friends for a time. To relieve stress, I would just randomly destroy things (not lights because I was just getting into lighting then) and I would even destroy things that worked fine. So, if I am down on myself a lot on here, now you know why. People bullied me because I was not like them and the whole grade except my friends bullied me to the point I had mental breakdowns and I would run out in the middle of class to hide somewhere. If you want the whole story, I can tell you if you would like but it will have to be through a PM.
I think HPS, MV, and MH rule! Ban LED instead! 