So tonight, I was sitting in the living room, which is at the back of the house, watching TV. The window blinds were all closed, except the window of my back door, which is uncovered.
Outside was completely dark except for solar lights in the back yard, no moon out either.
Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, the entire window flashed a bright white light. Curiously, I walked over and turned the porch lights on out back but saw nothing. I thought maybe there was lightning in the distance, but it was completely dark.
I even went outside and nobody was about, it was completely still and quiet, no storms or anything.
Nothing further happened. But then I remembered that I had a similar experience a while back at the same time. That time I was in the kitchen instead, with the lights off. I saw the same type of flash, but this time it was indirectly. The flash had reflected on the kitchen countertop from the same window that time.
I’m just confused but intrigued as to what would cause this?

Has anyone had something similar?
Sometimes there are boats out on the lake that shine bright lights around at night for some reason, but at least tonight when I went out there was nobody around that I could hear.