Sometime last month I injured my wrist, without there being any instant sign of pain or discomfort. Not sure if it was through push ups or weightlifting.
I've even called off work for three nights during my work weekend in an effort to get it to heal, after receiving a doctors note from a doctor I visited
before that weekend began.
But now... it appears that a bone is starting to protrude out from my wrist a bit... especially in comparison to the wrist of my right hand.
Because of this... mishap... I haven't been weightlifting since about 6 weeks ago. I've lost A LOT of muscle and I'm not as physically attractive anymore.
I also can't perform well at work... I can no longer lift heavy things without my left wrist feeling extremely weak or in pain. And from where it stands
now, I will be under short term disability. I won't be back at work until April 21st. My biggest fear is that I may have to go through surgical procedure.
I've never had surgery, nor do I want to.