reckon starting a tiktok channel with clips of worthwhile lamp-related videos, with a link to the forum and gallery, could be a start.
Well you can also immediately euthanise the site... I generally think that it is consensus that this should remain a forum and not become anything close to tik tok etc (see my first post)
I did not say to get rid of the forum or the somewhat similar structured gallery. I said 'Start to participate in the modern world to attract people to this site'. Only with more people will you get more interaction.
One possibility would be to add a function (don't ask me how, or how much work it is for the admins) to allow users to set a checkbox 'Allow sharing to the Lighting Gallery Tiktok'. In other words,
actively opt in if you want the site's tiktok to feature your pictures, with a pointer back to the website. Everyday either some random pictures, or the highest rated ones of the day, get automatically compiled into a slideshow and dumped on the site's official tiktok. Mostly automated and hands off, explicitely with the goal to draw people to *here*.
I'm no tiktok fan, don't get me wrong, but you gotta do something to attract people to a form of social media they literally may never ever have used before. Because that's the case. Forums are great, but i bet that the majority of internet users today, have not been frequent (at least weekly) users of a forum in more than 10 years.
To get people back to what i consider a much superior way of spreading knowledge and media over the current crop of low attention span, algorhythm driven platforms, you will have to make yourself able to be found from those platforms to point them here. I have no numbers, but if more people leave than join, eventually you might end up with just a handful of people left after a few years of population decline.
Hell, if people hate tiktok too much, make it youtube. There's plenty of lighting enthousiasts over there. Just *any kind* of official lighting gallery presence on other platforms may help the site to keep from losing more members than gaining, in the long term. Currently i see maybe 1 or 2 people join in any given week, but is that enough to guarantee an active population for the next 5 or 10 years? (i don't really keep an eye on things)