Author Topic: Worst subjects in school  (Read 11131 times)

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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #30 on: June 05, 2015, 01:39:12 PM » Author: Solanaceae
Everyone cusses a lot at school, sometimes even in front of teachers and no one cares at all. Even fifth graders cuss. I wonder if the alcohol advertisement shirts and such is a larger district, since my district is only elementary, middle, and high school. The district of Springfield is a bunch of little schools and there are private religious schools as well. The private schools have strict dress codes and a few make kids have uniforms.

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Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #31 on: June 05, 2015, 05:00:54 PM » Author: Ash
Religious schools here break down to 2 different groups :

"Religious schools", some of which are private and some run by the municipalities (they are run in the bottom line by the state, but the state leaves all the actual overhead as well as responsibility and credit to municipalities)

Those schools are not much different from the normal secular schools, they have about the same sort of uniform requirements for the most part

"Seminars", are private religious schools run by some "big mouth" religious leaders, that interpret the religion their wacky way and teach that to students. They are a phenomena rather than an actual schooling system, and affect only small minority (probably in the single percents range) of all students in the country, but are there...

Those "seminars" as well as other activities of the same religious leaders are a point of a LOT of controversy, involving not teaching elementary subjects like math and history, tricking kids from normal schools to fork to those "seminars", breaking kids relation with parents (to prevent "bad influence" from the "non believing" parents), incredible volumes of religious brainwashing all day long, teaching kids to set themselfes apart from general society and so on. Different "seminars" do ths stuff to different extents, the more hardcore ones are underground since at least part of what they do is illegal

The rules in those "seminars" are messy and often ridiculous to the most fanatic religious extents. In many times the rules are rather said then written, and sometimes are arbitrarily made up on the spot....  Cases like expelling a kid due to a computer with internet connection being present at his home, or his dad owning a smart phone, are not unheard of

Where it comes to dress codes, to the best of my knowledge, they very often have strict dress codes and often micromanage stuff. Ironically this entire concept of dressing in "hardcore" religion is called "vanity", while the actual actions of micromanaging other's clothing is not an act of vanity at all....

The requirements are stricter for girls, where they are often along the lines of "dress to the floor" (pants for girls are prohibited), long sleeves, and full cover up to the neck, with non-standing-out colors. Actual uniforms are rare as they are too poor to organize any production of uniforms (those "seminars" are usually free for participants, they are getting their funds either from other businesses of the leader, or as fake charities)

One thing about them is, they require the kids to wear the dress code compliant clothing all the time, even when out of school hours. Wearing a clothing that is considered "not vain" in the free time can be the cause for expelling as well

(and by "expelling" it means directing the kid to some other "seminar", they dont want the kid to go back to a normal school for obvious reasons)


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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #32 on: June 05, 2015, 05:08:30 PM » Author: Solanaceae
We have religious schools like the first one you described. They're aren't the crazy religious nut bible thumpers here, but some people border that line.

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Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #33 on: June 21, 2015, 04:08:21 AM » Author: randacnam7321
Any of the rubbish gen ed courses like *insert PC group here* studies or social problems or anything else related to a useless major.  Real engineering courses have the problem of the stuff being taught having no relation to what is actually done in the real world.  This is done just to make the 'work' easier to grade.

Old school FTW!


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Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #34 on: June 21, 2015, 02:41:51 PM » Author: Ash
Not in the college where i study Electrical Engineering right now

Here significant part of the staff are retired engineers from the industry themselfes, and they know well what they are talking about. One of my favorites, our Energy Conversion lecturer (motors, transformers etc) came straight from the electric utility company. Some others i dont know much about, but most of the lecturers are far from clueless


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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #35 on: June 21, 2015, 02:50:52 PM » Author: Solanaceae
I'm either going to be an EE or some type of experimental scientist (mythbuster). There is what I don't understand why we need to learn literature when that is your major in college. I'm in ap English and I don't understand the use of it since I'm going to science.

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Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #36 on: June 21, 2015, 03:35:47 PM » Author: Ash
The reasoning is, to show kids a bit of everything so their world is not empty. By whoever decides what should be filling the kids world and what not.....


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Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #37 on: June 22, 2015, 03:42:46 AM » Author: randacnam7321
The stupid subject matter is largely a result of ABET certification requirements and many places treat degrees from schools that do not have ABET certification as not worth their weight in an excrement of your choosing.
The problems are with things like the various theoretical models in electronics and energy systems that you NEVER use in the real world to any serious degree or the hideously opaque concept presentation in things like calculus or signals.  The stuff is much easier when you see how it is applied, but they NEVER present things in such a manner that you see how the stupid things are used in the first place.  My brain is wired in such a manner that pure abstraction is incomprehensible and things must be presented with a practical application for it from the beginning.  I am far from alone with these problems.
And then there are the huge degree mills that teach you absolutely nothing and where the undergraduate facilities are absolutely appalling and any students who know anything are beaten down by the comparatively knownothing staff so as to not make the latter look bad.  I speak from experience in this matter.  We had an issue with a load of fake chips from some derptacular supplier and I had to teach the teacher about such things as he didn't know that counterfeit ICs were even a thing.  Then there were things like otherwise smart guys trying to implement hideously complicated and impractical circuits due to them being presented with components but never with proper implementation methods for them.  And teaching the bloody TAs what open collector device outputs were.  The TAs in question being graduate students.

Old school FTW!


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Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #38 on: June 22, 2015, 02:44:18 PM » Author: Ash
I seen that happen in the more prestigeous institutions. The ones that can just mention their name as the advertisement.... Yep, there, they consider themselfes the know-alls and they indeed hammer down students like me that coes with knowledge from outside

I chose this college where i am now for a reason. It is a smaller college fighting to establish itself a reputation of a university (and all those "big institutions" look at it from above), but the staff in it really is full of active & retired industry engineers that have good clue what they are talking about


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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #39 on: June 23, 2015, 02:04:51 AM » Author: Solanaceae
Our private religious schools make themselves seem like hot s*** but they're just as average as the other schools int the district. The private schools crank out more homework than regular schools and turn the kids into innocent little ones into d bag tryhards. I can confirm. My sister has multiple friends from said school who are complete d bags.

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Down with lamp bans!

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Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #40 on: June 26, 2015, 12:02:35 AM » Author: nicksfans
I have always gone to a private school, though it's Montessori and not religious, and IMO doesn't fit the normal private-school stereotypes. The homework load was actually lighter than normal (as far as I'm aware) and I certainly don't feel like my classmates and I became d-bags as you put it. One nice thing about going to a small private school is that they let me do stuff that most students wouldn't be allowed to, like doing lighting maintenance on my own. I will be going to college this fall for EE, which I'm really excited about. It will definitely be a change from what I'm used to but I don't think it'll be too difficult to adjust.

I like my lamps thick, my ballasts heavy, and my fixtures tough.

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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #41 on: June 26, 2015, 12:33:13 AM » Author: Solanaceae
Well nick it's mostly in the larger schools. And in my city, there's a fair amount of dbags, mostly in the private schools. My sister brought kids home to hang out with (both male and female) and the private school kids misbehaved more, often leaving trash around and being loud and obnoxious. The public kids were a lot mindful of the situation, not abusing the privilege of being invited over.

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Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #42 on: June 28, 2015, 06:04:08 AM » Author: randacnam7321
The place I am going now is small enough that teachers can recognize students who actually know what they are doing and where labs aren't bogged down with loads of TA bureaucracy.  I will knock wood have a TA position for one of the power labs depending on things.

Old school FTW!


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Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #43 on: June 28, 2015, 03:36:17 PM » Author: Ash
I guess TA = Teacher Assistant ?

Well, in my schol, i was a TA while i was in 10th grade, helping out kids in the 12th grade doing the electronics lab.....

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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: Worst subjects in school « Reply #44 on: June 28, 2015, 11:56:12 PM » Author: Solanaceae
I remember I had a student teacher (not a ta) in both second grade. It was really great to have two people helping out at once to speed up the process of a in class activity.

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