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... and it's time for me to start making YouTube videos. I talked about this with my little brother, (RT Spacer on YouTube) who has been making videos for the last... 10 years, I think. While he's been doing that, I've been sitting here for the last 10 years claiming that I'll start making videos, but it's just never happened. I haven't even looked more into good video editing software, etc. While I sat with my brother and talked to him about finally making YouTube video, he said one thing that really smacked me back into reality: "Time Is Ticking." ...he's right. Time IS ticking. One major wake up call that recently happened to me... the passing of a coworker whom I was close with. Sudden passing. Even though he wasn't in the greatest condition, he seemed very alert and perfectly fine. He would even dance from time to time just to get me to laugh, etc. The news of his passing, combined with my brothers reminder that "Time Is Ticking," has led me to finally start taking action regarding making video content for YouTube. So... I've just bought a GoPro Hero 10, a "media mod," which is a requirement for plugging in external microphones to the GoPro, a universal/stretchable chin mount for my motorcycle helmet to help me mount the GoPro to my helmet, and a purple-panda microphone... along with other accessories that came with it. This will be for the "moto-vlogging" aspect of my YouTube channel, but it does not stop there. I'm also making plans on purchasing a much higher quality camera to capture events outside of motorcycle riding, more than likely involving cool cars, or recording movie scenes with friends... etc. I've already made some rather cool achievements, although some are still under construction... but time is ticking and has been ticking all of this time. I'm making video creation my number one priority from now on, before it's too late.
Interests: 1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent) 2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic 3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds 4. Food and drinks. So gimme them bbq ribs Lighting has ALWAYS been a passion of mine. I consider everyone on here to be a friend
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Break a leg, suzukir122  I, too, have considered joining to YouTube posting some of my made-up sign language I have in my own imagination near in the future.
Pretty, please no more Chinese failure.
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Yep, I'm breaking a leg. I'm getting to it... but the parts that I ordered have to arrive. One of them already arrived today. (Media mod) Now I'm waiting on the other two things. Might as well take a video and post it, @RJluna2! Time is ticking! I've spent sooooo many years saying that I'm gonna start making YouTube videos, and never did... missing opportunity after opportunity with each day that has passed. I can't do that anymore. Next paycheck, I will start to focus on the much bigger, higher quality camera and audio.
Interests: 1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent) 2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic 3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds 4. Food and drinks. So gimme them bbq ribs Lighting has ALWAYS been a passion of mine. I consider everyone on here to be a friend
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One thing about GoPro's is that they are ultra-wideangle with infinite depth of field. While it is good for action shots (motorcycle, snowboard, cars etc) it is sub-optimal for people shots. Used at close range, it will give cheap 'mobile phone' perspective footage. Some better camera with longer focal length and limited depth of field is necessary. A mid-range interchangeable lens digital camera is considered good usually.
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As for 'time is ticking' the real answer is that no one else seriously cares whatever you do in this world....
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@RRK, this is true about most GoPro's, (ultra view) but the newer GoPro's have much more options to remedy this. Much, much more options. It was honestly a bit... frustrating... watching the video tutorials about the GoPro Hero 10... because with each video, the amount of information was far too complex. Regarding shooting video of people, even if the GoPro Hero 10 can do it well, it's not my go-to camera for that purpose. The next camera that I purchase will be more suited for that purpose, with much higher quality than the Hero 10 can provide. I may have to spend a good amount of cash for the camera, but it will be worth it. I disagree that no one else seriously cares, but I would agree that no one on Lighting Gallery cares. This is the reason why I typically refrain from mentioning anything regarding my other passions outside of vintage lighting, on this site. Typically... but even if no one on this site cares, I don't care. (I say this respectfully, by the way. Not to sound harsh!) I want to try and pursue my passions outside of lighting, and share some of those passions with people outside of Lighting Gallery, AND with members on Lighting Gallery as well. Whether fellow members are interested or not, that's on them... not me.
Interests: 1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent) 2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic 3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds 4. Food and drinks. So gimme them bbq ribs Lighting has ALWAYS been a passion of mine. I consider everyone on here to be a friend