Author Topic: "Copy It All's" on LG forums  (Read 3468 times)

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"Copy It All's" on LG forums « on: August 07, 2016, 02:32:54 PM » Author: Ash
Certain LG members think, that if they see something posted in some discussion on the forums or gallery, they can copy paste it (or certain things said within) into other discussions which may be (or be not) related to the subject. The copy pasted materials can be anything, including personal opinions, experiences and evaluations, as well as things that are more of universal knowledge in their nature. Most commonly this is not literally copy and paste, but they rephrase the said things in their own words, and most commonly, with addition of some more nonsense by the copying member himself. Occasionally personal opinions were reposted as facts. Occasionally sources outside LG are the source of the copying

At some point few years back, the members in question used to even cite the sources (names of other members) in the quotes. The main effect of this copying was discrediting the members who posted the original : When member X reposts member Y's post in a place where it does not belong, puts out Y as fool

At some point talks were made to the copying members, asking them to stop. This worked in part, but for the most part, they just kept doing wat they are doing more carefully and more subtly, and stopped citing the name of the source. So the discrediting effect still works, this time simply from the fact that X and Y say remarkably the same things (X copies what Y posted from own standpoint), while X's posts in general are known to be dubious

This gets worse as we get on certain subjects. Prime example is LEDs - many members posts there are more detailed and unique, making it more straightforward to relate a post by its standpoint to a member : For example, relate by content alone a post to yours truly. The fact that some such posts are reposted by the same copying members, works to discredit the view/opinion itself, not only the member presenting it

The copying members think, that if member Y said something, then by reposting member X will get recognition as knowledgeable, or atleast as some sort of a know it all

I am absolutely fed up being held in the position of member Y over random things i post, and this came to the point that i held myself back from posting something on a lighting subject, knowing that this would be an especially appealing target for X, and imagining other places where this, if reposted, could do harm. Holding back from posting something on LG is a thing i dont want to do EVER again

I can count on one hand, or more precisely on one finger, the members acting as X. There are way more Y's. I dont want to call names. I want to ask for one thing :

If you have nothing of your TRUE OWN to add to a discussion, then dont add anything. LIGHTING GALLERY IS NOT A FILL THE MISSING WORDS QUEST. Let discussions be performed by who have interest in taking part inside, otherwise, read from the side, its fine


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Re: "Copy It All's" on LG forums « Reply #1 on: August 07, 2016, 02:56:49 PM » Author: wattMaster
This sounds like plagiarism. I agree, LG is not a fill-in-the-words game.
But who is this member?

SLS! (Stop LED Streetlights!)


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Other loves are printers/scanners/copiers, A/Cs

Re: "Copy It All's" on LG forums « Reply #2 on: August 07, 2016, 03:19:48 PM » Author: dor123
Sometimes, when I posting stuff in this website, I don't notices that I sometimes doing something worse, and that members insulted as a result of this, and that the things that I writes, is copy & paste of another member or reposting of stuff that another member posted before.
I apologies if this insults someone.
And please don't encourage my next ban :'( . I very love this website, and I'm online on it continuously through the day, until I shut down my computer. I'm addicted to this website like many people addicted to Facebook and Twitter, browsing it for updates many times per day.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2016, 04:00:58 PM by dor123 » Logged

I"m don't speak English well, and rely on online translating to write in this site.
Please forgive me if my choice of my words looks like offensive, while that isn't my intention.

I only working with the international date format (

I lives in Israel, which is a 220-240V, 50hz country.


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rcm442 UC1Q-wYhi9O-1q4ugOaOZ9dA rcm442
Re: "Copy It All's" on LG forums « Reply #3 on: August 07, 2016, 04:11:39 PM » Author: RCM442
@Ash and dor123, this is supposed to be a friendly place for all.
The members that are copying comments, can't you come up with your own comments rather than copying others? Plagiarism isn't nice, especially when you take it out of context and make it sound like something that was never actually intended!

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Re: "Copy It All's" on LG forums « Reply #4 on: August 07, 2016, 10:46:43 PM » Author: Lumex120

I have never even seen this on here.  ??? Can you provide an example?

Sometimes, when I posting stuff in this website, I don't notices that I sometimes doing something worse, and that members insulted as a result of this, and that the things that I writes, is copy & paste of another member or reposting of stuff that another member posted before.
I apologies if this insults someone.
And please don't encourage my next ban :'( . I very love this website, and I'm online on it continuously through the day, until I shut down my computer. I'm addicted to this website like many people addicted to Facebook and Twitter, browsing it for updates many times per day.
You have never been banned and (hopefully) never will be. What brings you to this assumption?

Unofficial LG Discord


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rcm442 UC1Q-wYhi9O-1q4ugOaOZ9dA rcm442
Re: "Copy It All's" on LG forums « Reply #5 on: August 10, 2016, 02:19:53 PM » Author: RCM442
@Everyone, please come up with original comments instead of copying others! Or even ask a question about the photo instead of copying someone else! :)

LEDs need to stop taking over everything
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rcm442 UC1Q-wYhi9O-1q4ugOaOZ9dA rcm442
Re: "Copy It All's" on LG forums « Reply #6 on: August 30, 2016, 02:56:24 PM » Author: RCM442
Nobody needs to put anyone else down here on lighting gallery. We are all supposed to be friendly to each other. Other members should not cyberbully other members for other hobbies they may have! Everyone is different, and this site should be a judgement free zone! Remember, not everyone here speaks English and some use a translator to talk to us.
Continued bullying of other members may result in a temporary suspension of that member.
Thread locked.

LEDs need to stop taking over everything
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