Author Topic: New Member/GE Powr/Bracket Acquisitions *15MAR17 UPDATE*  (Read 2268 times)

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New Member/GE Powr/Bracket Acquisitions *15MAR17 UPDATE* « on: March 12, 2017, 10:14:32 PM » Author: boiler1011
++See Below++


New member here, my first post. I'm glad I found this site firstly, and hope to learn more about HID outdoor lighting fixtures. I have always been fascinated with lights of all kinds, and finally located some units from my childhood to purchase. I found 2 GE Powr/Brackets at a surplus liquidator in Indiana, and purchased this last week. I am most interested in the 400W MV unit I purchased. This unit is probably used, and apparently does not include the large optical. I also purchased a brand new 250W HPS unit, complete but with small optical. I hope that I can retrofit this unit with the internals of the 400W MV, as those are my favorite. That being said I will be looking for a large optic refractor/lens for for the unit. Any direction would be appreciated. I have done some research and can't tell if GE still makes parts for these, or even the units themselves. If anyone knows where I can get parts, it would greatly be appreciated. I found complete units for sale from a distributor, and there is no way I am about to spend the 600$ they want for one.

Would be interested in selling the unused parts from the HPS unit, as I don't have any real use for it, as well as the small optic/refractor. Would also be interested in a trade for a large optic if anyone has one.

I will post pictures this week when they arrive!

« Last Edit: March 15, 2017, 12:58:34 PM by boiler1011 » Logged

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Re: New Member/GE Powr/Bracket Acquisitions « Reply #1 on: March 13, 2017, 12:52:56 AM » Author: ace100w120v
First of all, welcome to Lighting Gallery!  Lots of great people here.  To give it scale, I "talked" with one member here for several years, then I moved to the same city as them, and they were one of the first people I met, we decided to meet and they took it upon themselves to even just give me a tour of the area (including light scenery) and we've become good friends since. 

Secondly, sounds like you're getting your feet wet with some good HID stuff, congrats!  I was lucky in an odd way, as a 12 year old getting into lights my dad and I moved into a house which ironically had been a grow-op in the past, the place came with lots of big HID stuff, which I still have.  Though I still think of my first HID fixture as an Electripak 175w mercury "yardblaster" area light I was given at age 13.

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Re: New Member/GE Powr/Bracket Acquisitions « Reply #2 on: March 13, 2017, 01:01:56 AM » Author: boiler1011
Thanks! I've actually installed a few yard lights in various places for people. In high school and college I did a lot of odd-jobs, and did minor electrical work for people wanting help. I also am into landscape lighting, and have installed several very elaborate systems, including the one at my house ;)

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Re: New Member/GE Powr/Bracket Acquisitions *15MAR17 UPDATE* « Reply #3 on: March 15, 2017, 01:31:55 PM » Author: boiler1011
I got a call Monday from the distributor I bought this from. I was told that they unfortunately didn't have the 250W HPS fixtures anymore, but did have one last "incomplete" 400W MV fixture. The guy (and sale page) said it was just the arm, and made it sound like it was used. I was bummed that they were out of the HPS units, as the plan was to use the housings from that unit and bastardize it into a 400W MV unit. Well it arrived today and it turns out that I got a BRAND NEW complete 400W MV Powr/Bracket unit!! Considering I paid less than 40$ for the unit, I'd say I got a steal. I had been searching around for months for even just a crappy old junk unit, and was willing to pay more than what I did for this.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2017, 02:33:10 PM by boiler1011 » Logged

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Re: New Member/GE Powr/Bracket Acquisitions *15MAR17 UPDATE* « Reply #4 on: March 15, 2017, 10:48:54 PM » Author: ace100w120v
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