Let me toss a quarter in the jukebox of all the Linux fans out there. A reality check if you will.
I love the idea of Linux, it’s purpose, it’s mission, those that back it and use it. I really do, in fact I use it whenever I can. The problem is once you get out of the web space and geeky, or officey things and get into power user stuff especially in video, maybe, MAYBE 5% of the software we use has a Linux version. On top of that much of the hardware we use doesn’t even have Linux drivers, so even if the software was there or used wine(If you can), the hardware is useless with Linux anyway. So, until major industries get a clue and use Linux it’s just going to be a thing for geeks and web servers. Out here in the real world where we actually do cool stuff with computers we use WIN and MAC OS(when possible), it’s just the way it is.
Here’s another quarter.
One big obstacle to Linux growth is how janky it can be to get something to work. Case and point, CLI. Lemme tell you about it. Unless you are a geek, most people don’t like it. A simile if you will for how it feels to most people, CLI is like being dropped into a foreign country without knowing the language. More than that, you cannot hear anyone speaking , yet no one will speak to you unless you speak their language to them PEFECTLY first. That’s how CLI feels, anxiety central. There’s almost no context outside of the not very helpful “help” command. With a UI you can at least use pure logic, problem solving, and deduction to figure out what you’re doing even if you have never seen it before. You can’t do that with CLI unless you throughly know what you want and how to get it ahead of time. I shouldn’t have to have a computer science degree to operate one, that’s what programmers are for.
In WIN or MAC OS it’s a very rare thing that you need to drop to CLI. My experience with Linux is not that way, installing SW half the time you end up doing something in CLI just to get it to work properly. Until Linux can get to the place that it is much more heavily UI driven like it’s corporate behemoth brethren so a mere human can use it, it’s not going anywhere. Let me clarify that, I don’t mean necessarily a fancy GUI, just at least visible menus and options, even in text. No blank screens with blinking cursors!
Now that many Linux folks are probably offended and will write me angry responses
, there is a salve I’ve found for win10 woes since most of the SW I use runs on it, shutup10 by o&o SW. It allows you to turn off most of the stuff people have been complaining it does here. In my experience it even runs faster after turning off all the tracking, etc. I actually like win10 as long as it’s paired with shutup10. As far as MACs go, I’m still rocking my 2013 MBA, it’s one of the best laptops ever made. It’s thin, light, powerful, has a great battery, and most of the failure points are fairly easily serviced. It can run just about any OS you could want too. In 7 years the only problem I’ve had with it is the screen hinge screws got loose once, I took it to the Apple store and they fixed it for free even though it was way out of warranty. Like two years out. That is customer service.
I am on Linux since 2003 - I have just about missed Windows XP, using Windows 2000 Professional right up to my moving to Linux. (And before it 95 and 98). In this time i went through Jr. high school, high school, college, multiple IT jobs, and now engineering
I have done writing (including all my school and college writing), drawing (like my user picture, it is a character from a manga i had drawn many years ago), technical drawing, picture editing, video editing. electrical engineering, software development (for Linux desktop, for network applications running on a Linux backend, and for MCU's) and hacking. All exclusively under Linux and exclusively with native Linux software (not Windows software on Wine)
I got to experience many things, from asinine early versions of OpenOffice (1.x 2.x which back then was little more than a very buggy Wordpad, with completely broken support of Rigth to Left languages, completely broken conversion from/to DOC file formats, and barely able to open files it itself saved - in some ancient format, the ODT format didnt exist back then). And all the way up to most Linux software from the last 10+ years, which have became great and often best in class software. This includes modern LibreOffice, which formula editor is far better than that in MS Office, and most of everything else works well
To sum this up - It works and it covered well all what i ever asked from it
My Linux system of choice is Gentoo, right from the start, and to this day
This system is completely about power. If we compare it to Pokemon, it is akin to some of the strongest legendaries, that might be the hardest to grow, and when done right come out with unrealistic powers. As for Gentoo Linux, it provides unmatched ability to get my system how i want it - all the way down to what internal features will be included or excluded from programs at compile time, optimizing the system for the exact hardware it will be running on, and more
This is "not for the faint hearted" - It is a system which assumes a power user. It is installed from source code. All install and administration is done manyally by single commands doing single tasks (using some very powerful tools, but still in commandline)
However, you don't have to be a power user before getting to Gentoo. It is possible to grow to be one while mastering this OS. I came to it virtually straight from Windows (i was maybe advanced in Windows, but completely new to anything outside of Windows)
I have never cared much about the "easy" Linux systems - whether or not some Linux system finally allows use without commandline, or anything like that
(Now with Windows 10 out and about, i think there are good reasons for everyone to leave it, but its ultimately their choice. I think the "easy" Linux systems probably do cover the needs of most users)
My use of Windows was at the workplace, using Windows provided by the company (mostly XP / Server 2003) for the Windows needs of the company (administering Windows network, using Windows CAD software, etc)
In all cases i seen, the "Linux world" provides adequate tools for the same tasks, whether or not they have some extras that a "Windows world" program might have (and that might be a deal maker/breaker for somebody looking for something very specific, but in most cases they are not that important)
This holds as long as the "Linux world" tools are used within the Linux world, and "Windows world" for Windows. The ability to use tools between the 2 ecosystems is not always there. For example - i haven't tried using a Linux tool for Windows network administration or the other way around - I guess it does not work too great
In software used to create stuff, sometimes each software package saves in its own format, and often doesn't even recognize the other one's. The most common case of isolation happens when the file format of the Windows program is proprietary so nobody can implement it in the Linux program (until it eventually gets hacked), and the Linux program's file format is regarded (by the Windows program makers) as something that doesn't deserve their attention
Standard use case of commandline nowadays is with the commandline open in one window, and internet (manual, forum discussion, etc) in another window. So you can find all sorts of howto's and examples for what you are trying to do. In most of the things a "simple user" might have to do at the commadn line, it sums up to copy paste...
I never had a problem with hardware compatibility, having multiple PCs (most of them trash finds, so haven't been very new already when i found them). Common PC hardware from Pentium-MMX up to Core ix, along with the occasional 2+ monitors, video card, sound card, laptop ACPI, ethernet, RAID, webcam, or something else
(However, i never really pushed the video cards hard so can't tell whether their full performance was actually available. They seemed to work fine with HD video and basic OpenGL and thats as far as i went)