Yet another car drive day but this time with my little brother. (RT Spacer on YouTube.)
He recorded some video, but we will see if it makes it to YouTube. He and I are making plans on possibly making a video next Saturday. I'm currently editing a video myself for my YouTube channel. This would be my first video, and it's mainly me thanking someone who gave my YouTube channel a "shout out," back in 2014.

(Said person's channel actually reached 500,000 subscribers at one point.) If I post this video, I may get some negative reaction, mainly since this person shouted out my channel almost 10 years ago, but ehh, I guess we'll see.
I need to stop caring about what people think about me and just go for it.
One other thing I want to mention... my little brother recently moved to another place, which is somewhat closer to me. He showed me a video he made not too long ago which pretty much sums everything up. about 1:44 in the video, he took video of an old drawer that we use to have when we were kids. Those little smiley face stickers on that drawer... put on there by me... when I was like 4, maybe 5 or 6 years old... along with "x" mark damage on the stickers... also my doing.
That drawer brought so many memories. Seeing that old drawer nearly 30 years later on video is definitely heartbreaking.
Unfortunately during the move, he had to throw that old drawer away. Check out the video if you guys are interested.