Author Topic: Are there other Aspies that me?  (Read 4690 times)
Mandolin Girl
Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #15 on: September 22, 2023, 02:09:56 PM » Author: Mandolin Girl
Hi Maxim,
Ria hasn't been diagnosed either, but her personality traits fit exactly with somebody that has mild autism.  :wndr:
So it's not just the average Joe, that has brains wired differently, Josephine is in there as well.  :-*

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Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #16 on: September 22, 2023, 02:26:35 PM » Author: DimBulb
I'm included here too. My childhood was a struggle but I've learned to interact pretty well with other people.

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Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #17 on: September 22, 2023, 05:30:59 PM » Author: CoolBeans
I've learned to interact pretty well with other people.
What are some things that helped you interact with others? I was never happy with the way I used to interact and pushed myself hard to communicate "normal".

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Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #18 on: September 23, 2023, 04:00:18 AM » Author: DimBulb
I learned mostly by observing how other people behave towards each other. People seem to want to have conversations with me now, but I often feel tired and drained afterwards.

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Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #19 on: September 23, 2023, 10:01:35 AM » Author: CoolBeans
Same. I spent a lot of time experimenting and self analyzing what I did right and wrong afterwards and comparing to others. Several dedicated people helped along the way, too. What really helped was getting a job working with the same 50+ people 170 something days out of the year, and slowly improved, and my threshold to interact kept getting higher and higher. I came a long way from being that little boy who could not pick up ques when it was my turn to talk and I would sit in silence during a conversation.

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Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #20 on: September 23, 2023, 11:17:20 AM » Author: DimBulb
I also have an Auditory Processing Disorder which means I have trouble understanding when I'm in a group of people or a noisy environment.

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Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #21 on: September 23, 2023, 01:08:45 PM » Author: Maxim
For me, it was quite the opposite in terms of "social issues". I just couldn't shut up. Every single thought that would pop into my head would be broadcasted for all to hear. I didn't know what to do when people began bullying me, calling me names, taking and breaking my things, etc. I attended a Catholic school until the end of 2nd grade, where then I moved to public education. This is when my problems were at their worst. I had no friends, I'd piss the teacher off, etc.

The first person to actually help me and realize I was different than the rest was him, actually. He took notice and began treating me with more care and compassion; taught lessons in ways he knew I'd understand so I would have to call out and ask how something worked, etc.

The next person who took notice was my 5th grade teacher. He figured out I was a good writer (good at expressing my thoughts especially) but not so much of a good listener. Though not always would be kind: there would be times in which he'd tell me to be quiet, etc. and kind of "agreed" with the class.

I learned a lot that year though. I learned how to control what comes out of my mouth a bit more, started making friends, etc.

6th grade was better too; I got redistricted (moved schools within the district); this change actually made sense as I was attending another town's school whilst not attending the local one nearby until this change came about. I was only there for one year, but I met more humble and accepting individuals (not everyone of course) and definitely learned to "fit in" socially whilst still standing out academically.

And so it all continued. I was a puny kid until maybe midway through the first year of middle school; then I finally hit puberty and I got taller (than most people around), etc. so people stopped mocking me for my looks. I continued to learn more about my surroundings and "fitting in", but I still kept my personality more or less but utilized in a way of being humorous rather than straight-up annoying.

And so now everyone sees me as the "sometimes funny smart kid" or just plain 'Maxim' because my name is renowned throughout the entire school; for bad or for good I don't know, but I don't really care. I'm happy enough with the people the surround me, and happy enough with the school environment. :)

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GoL UCwvPaxz1-rbLAjLpk55zl1A
Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #22 on: September 23, 2023, 03:41:46 PM » Author: HIDLad001
I am professionally diagnosed and I have had many other fixations besides lighting. I actually only got into the lighting hobby at the end of 2021, and I think it is what I have settled with.
Some of my other past and current interests have been watthour meters, computers, trains, planes, electrical equipment, and plenty of other things.
For me, it was quite the opposite in terms of "social issues". I just couldn't shut up. Every single thought that would pop into my head would be broadcasted for all to hear.
I also have this problem, but I am trying to get better at managing it. It doesn’t help that my voice is incredibly loud and I am very easily heard.

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Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #23 on: September 24, 2023, 10:44:06 AM » Author: CoolBeans
I just couldn't shut up. Every single thought that would pop into my head would be broadcasted for all to hear.
"Every single thought that would pop into my head would be broadcasted"(Maxim 22) This happens too because my mind is always going and thinking of other things thanks to ADHD. It actually cause the first assessor in 1995 to miss the autism and diagnosed me with only "ADD", but turns out it was actually both ADHD and ASD which became apparent 1-2 years later.

Some of my other past and current interests have been watthour meters, computers, trains, planes, electrical equipment, and plenty of other things.
"watthour meters, computers, trains, planes, electrical equipment"(HIDLad001 23) It is odd how we pick up these fascinations, and some of them last years, while others stick around for a lifetime. What I learned is picking up these fascinations is a coping mechanism. Do you feel like you have a choice in what interest sticks, or your brain chooses for you? I am also into planes, what kinds of planes do you like, and which is your favorite?

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Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #24 on: September 24, 2023, 11:46:18 AM » Author: DimBulb
For me the fascination for things would just happen. One example is when I wanted to get a hand crank pencil sharpener for my room like I remembered from school. Next thing I know, I have a big collection of pencil sharpeners of different brands styles and colors etc. It seems like slight variations intrigue me.

My very first word was LIGHT!


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GoL UCwvPaxz1-rbLAjLpk55zl1A
Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #25 on: September 24, 2023, 01:06:51 PM » Author: HIDLad001
Do you feel like you have a choice in what interest sticks, or your brain chooses for you? I am also into planes, what kinds of planes do you like, and which is your favorite?
I don’t really choose them, I just become interested in things and sometimes later on just lose interest in them.
As far as planes go, what kind? It depends on what kind. That was so far my longest lasting interest, lasting about two years.

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Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #26 on: September 24, 2023, 05:28:11 PM » Author: CoolBeans
For me the fascination for things would just happen.
"fascination for things would just happen"(DimBulb 24) Same. Looking back at when it happened for me something stressful was taking place. Like mom was showing me some blog post about a lady riding her motorcycle around the chernobyl exclusion zone when something traumatic i wont go into detail about happened and the next 3 years I was hooked on soviet nuclear reactors. I just could not get them out of my head at all, and absorbed any bit of information I could about them. So narrowly that domestic reactors I had no interest in. was way more excited about the VVER440s in Cuba than the burial site for CP2 and CP3(first and second reactors built) 20-30 miles away.

I just become interested in things and sometimes later on just lose interest in them.
As far as planes go, what kind? It depends on what kind. That was so far my longest lasting interest, lasting about two years.
"sometimes later on just lose interest in them"(HIDLad001 25) sometimes it is a sad feeling knowing an interest slipping away, do you feel the same? It can be a relief too if they caused problems. "what kind? It depends on what kind"(HIDLad001 25) Like military or civil aircraft, props or jets? I really like civil aircraft around the 1950s and 1960s. It is so cool to see how the designs vary based on operators request, and the switch from turbojets to turbofans, also some of the challenges with compressor stall or other factors by adding a fan and removing water injection to engines. Favorite plane(s) out of all is the CV880 followed by DC9. I have very fond memories sitting in the back of DC9s and listening to those lovely engines spool up and down. Also was once on a 722 during a power-back.

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GoL UCwvPaxz1-rbLAjLpk55zl1A
Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #27 on: September 24, 2023, 07:55:50 PM » Author: HIDLad001
"sometimes later on just lose interest in them"(HIDLad001 25) sometimes it is a sad feeling knowing an interest slipping away, do you feel the same? It can be a relief too if they caused problems.
I don’t really care about losing my past interests, and usually if they cause problems, that is another reason why I would lose interest in something.
But as far as my favorite plane, it has been so long that I don’t really remember. The one that I do remember liking is the B-29.

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Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #28 on: September 24, 2023, 08:34:12 PM » Author: CoolBeans
The one that I do remember liking is the B-29.
That is a great plane. If I remember correctly the boeing engineers drew it, then it was built and handed to the pilots without a real test flight. that is if I remember correctly, but it could also be a different bomber, but pretty sure it was the B29. anyways, interests have caused problems for me before and it is not very fun. thats were a hobby separates to disorder.

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Rare white reflector

Re: Are there other Aspies that me? « Reply #29 on: September 26, 2023, 12:02:49 AM » Author: Silverliner
I could be on the borderline. I do know that I am not really good at socializing and I am shy. And don’t have a warm charisma.

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