That looks so good! I'm working on "seasoning" my cast iron skillet by cooking oil into its surface so it will become nonstick. I'll be able to cook lots of bacon 
heat it up to about 200 then apply a very thin coating of Flax oil, then wipe it with dry paper towel, really you don't need much oil on it, and toss it in the oven at 475, for about an hour upside down, it will smoke and smell so open the window, and let if cool in the oven for about 2 hours and repeat this process about three or more times, it will be brown if the pan was cleaned to the cast iron, and it will go black with use in about two weeks. And try not to cook anything with tomatoes in it for the first couple of weeks, but after it's broken in your good to go and cook what ever you like...
Why flax oil, and not lard/bacon fat canola oil, it'll make the hardest coating you can get, it will actually feel dry to the touch and take a glass like finish if the cast iron was machined like Wagner or vintage lodge, it's so hard you can actually wash them in the dishwasher if you do it right (no I don't recommend it, I only use water and on mine, some times I only wipe them out with paper towel, and feel free to use metal utensils in the pan, and I always dry them on the stove top and apply a very light coating of oil when hot, and I know some people are germaphobes but it gets to 400 deg before anything goes in it so they are sterile, more so then your pans washed using the three sink method and bleach or a commercial dishwasher, I also never start cooking with a cold pan, really this is best tip you can learn when cooking with cast iron, preheat the pan and then add your food, I normally put it on the stove first and then start the prep work so it's ready to go when I'm done cutting)
If it's done right it will quickly become a go to pan for cooking just about anything on any heat source ranging from an open fire, molten lava, induction, gas, electric, propane torch, pretty much anything but the microwave...
If you want to know how to clean it right back to clean cast iron let me know, it's easier then you think really it's so easy the hardest part you have to do is waiting for it to be done, it takes about 12 hours of watching TV or playing on the internet or sleeping, really it's that easy,it'll remove everything, even burnt on food, even rust...
Cast Iron it's the other thing I collect...