Author Topic: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night?  (Read 13603 times)
Mandolin Girl
Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #30 on: March 24, 2018, 06:24:30 PM » Author: Mandolin Girl
If the noise is from somebody racing circles inside, blocking one of the entrances won't really help...
I think that they're trying to see who can get to the top of the circular ramp quickest. We'll see if it make a difference.
Mandolin Girl
Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #31 on: March 28, 2018, 06:43:20 PM » Author: Mandolin Girl
Update in the cars racing around, we haven't heard anything lately, but it does go in cycles of not hearing the noise for ages, then getting a few nights in a row of it.

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Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #32 on: March 30, 2018, 08:59:12 PM » Author: Flurofan96
My neighbourhood is very quiet at night but during the day you hear occasional cars passing by and the screaming kids at the nearby school. Some evenings where there is a football match at the secondary school (where they have LED floodlights) you hear players shouting commands and so forth

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Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #33 on: March 30, 2018, 11:24:54 PM » Author: Lumex120
Mine is pretty quiet but you have the occasional punk driving through with no muffler or some 15" subs.  ::)

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Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #34 on: March 30, 2018, 11:33:18 PM » Author: Mercurylamps
I never understood why people remove mufflers other than attention seeking. It's usually young guys that do it that have to show the world they have a license. Big deal, most of the population have their license. ::)

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Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #35 on: March 31, 2018, 01:25:39 AM » Author: tolivac
Speeders!!!!Jus install speed bumps and knock out a few teeth-then they get the message.No mufflers-just ticket them!!!

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240V 50Hz

Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #36 on: March 31, 2018, 05:46:30 AM » Author: Mercurylamps
Speeders!!!!Jus install speed bumps and knock out a few teeth-then they get the message.No mufflers-just ticket them!!!

Yes, they are menaces. >:(

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Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #37 on: April 01, 2018, 12:26:15 AM » Author: tolivac
Then Sat night was the invasion of the boom cars at the WalMart parking lot!!!If these clowns drive by my house I am going to EGG them!!!

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Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #38 on: April 01, 2018, 05:09:20 AM » Author: dor123
Boom cars aren't so common here (I've seen only two cars in my life, that have a subwoofer in their trunk, one of them belongs to a past tenant of my hostel), but there are people that operates Mizrachi music in their cars at full volume, but without any modification in their stereo system.
But all of these ATVs and the off-road motorbikes that raving my neighborhood are speeders, and I asked Kiryat Ata to put speed bumpers in my street, in order to discourage the ATM and motorbikes to rave the roads, as they would causes them to turn over and their drivers to being injured or being killed, if drive at high speed on a speed bumper, as well as damage to their vehicles.

I"m don't speak English well, and rely on online translating to write in this site.
Please forgive me if my choice of my words looks like offensive, while that isn't my intention.

I only working with the international date format (

I lives in Israel, which is a 220-240V, 50hz country.

Cole D.

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Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #39 on: April 01, 2018, 03:07:55 PM » Author: Cole D.
Don't usually have any boom cars here. Once though I woke up late at night and heard one, and it was like it kept going back and forth because I kept hearing it. But it must have been out on the main road, because when I looked out the window I saw nothing.

Also Friday night I heard a rumbling and when I looked out I saw two ATVs going by at midnight.

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Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #40 on: April 02, 2018, 01:31:29 AM » Author: tolivac
The boom cars in my area congregate at the new WalMart shopping center near my house.You don't see the cars making the noise-they are there.If I can hear them from my place-neighbors too,the music is TOO LOUD-imagine what it is doing to the hearing of the people in the car!One neighbor has called the police or sheriff-and those say there is nothing they can do.I like the new WlMart but don't appreciate the noise those "patrons" cause.Feel WalMart should have their lot patrols inform those folks unless they have business at the WalMart-they are to move on.And if someone is in the car listening to itsd radio or sound system-it is to be turned down.My house is several blocks away from the WalMart!

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Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #41 on: April 02, 2018, 09:06:53 AM » Author: suzukir122
I was thinking the definition of Boom Cars, was cars with loud custom exhausts. lol... I forgot that
it could be cars with loud music. If anything, THAT annoys me more than the exhaust systems

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Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #42 on: April 02, 2018, 10:40:16 PM » Author: 589
I guess I would be counter-culture in this regard then as I highly enjoy aftermarket exhaust systems and strongly dislike speed bumps. That being said, I like to hear my exhaust, but not blast the neighborhood with it if possible. I don't like speed bumps because they are hard on the suspension system and in my case there are a few around that my car can't go over because they made them too tall. It is also annoying to have to slow down for each one and crawl over it. In addition many cases they are almost moot as most people with SUVs (which seems like at least half the people) drive right over them without slowing down. Since modern SUVs have good suspension systems they don't even feel the bump. As for radios, I just like it to sound good even when I turn it up and I've never had a sub. They only time I've really done any engine revving is occasionally under a bridge because that sounds amazing with all the reverb.



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Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #43 on: April 02, 2018, 11:49:09 PM » Author: suzukir122
589, oh trust me, I know exactly what you're talking about, because I also enjoy the aftermarket exhaust systems.
I really, really do. I also agree with the bridge and tunnel revving reverb... but the only time it starts to
annoy me is when it's over done. Over revving to rev limiter, and than just holding it there for a long time.
That actually makes me mad. No respect for anything at that point... even the car or bike. Revving late at night is also
something I don't agree with... even if it's my dream car or motorcycle.
I love hearing my bike with its new fitted Moto GP SP-Engineering slip on exhaust... but I don't want to blast
the neighborhood with the sound. No way... because I feel it to be disrespectful to do so.

1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent)
2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic
3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds
4. Food and drinks. So gimme them bbq ribs
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Re: Is your neighborhood quiet or noisy at night? « Reply #44 on: April 03, 2018, 12:31:22 AM » Author: 589
589, oh trust me, I know exactly what you're talking about, because I also enjoy the aftermarket exhaust systems.
I really, really do. I also agree with the bridge and tunnel revving reverb... but the only time it starts to
annoy me is when it's over done. Over revving to rev limiter, and than just holding it there for a long time.
That actually makes me mad. No respect for anything at that point... even the car or bike. Revving late at night is also
something I don't agree with... even if it's my dream car or motorcycle.
I love hearing my bike with its new fitted Moto GP SP-Engineering slip on exhaust... but I don't want to blast
the neighborhood with the sound. No way... because I feel it to be disrespectful to do so.

Yep, I feel exactly the same way. I would also add that the only times I would rev under a bridge was if one of my friends was in/on their vehicle also with me. We would have fun revving at each other, but never excessively. I believe holding the engine on the limiter is no good unless you're at a drag strip and thats where its supposed to be while launching the car. Otherwise revving at strangers is weird and showy in most cases. I would rev at someone sitting at a green light for too long on my harley instead of the horn. A small blip or two is all most people need to realize their not paying attention and I feel its slightly more courteous than using the horn. Its VERY rare to use the horn down here and many natives (like myself) consider horn usage VERY rude/disrespectful outside of extenuating circumstances. I can count how many times I use the horn in a year on one hand.


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