Author Topic: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting?  (Read 14163 times)

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SRP for life.

Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « on: April 29, 2021, 06:48:16 PM » Author: LightsoftheWest
Administrators, if this breaches site rules, please let me know.

I don't know if there is already a topic about this, but I have been ridiculed for my interest in lighting ever since I was in kindergarten. I was teased, made fun of, and even bullied for it. My parents don't really care for my interest, which is why I don't trust them. A lot of kids say that they hate lighting. For example, I asked one kid what his favorite ceiling fan brand was, and he said, "I hate ceiling fans." I don't know if he was being legit, or if he was saying it to offend me. This ridicule has resulted in negative things about myself. It's the reason why I only have two friends who actually care about my interests. It's the reason why I believe Lighting-Gallery is one of the only places, if not, the only place where I belong. Have there been similar instances with any of you?

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Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #1 on: April 29, 2021, 07:15:30 PM » Author: CreeRSW207
Not really, I usually keep that stuff to myself. My friends probably wouldn't care but I don't want to risk it because I have a good amount of friends. My parents know if my interest, my mom loves MV and the fixtures that hold it. So my answer to this question is no.

Long live the Incandescent streetlights!
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Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #2 on: April 29, 2021, 07:16:05 PM » Author: HPSM250R2
There aren't many of us out there who are passionate about lighting. Which is why other than my close friends I never told any random classmates at school about any of my hobbies. If it were me I probably wouldn't have even asked someone what their favorite brand ceiling fan is. Remember, most people other than those of us who are interested in them will not even know the different brands. I could see why he acted that way towards you honestly lol. Just remember that most people do not care about lighting, fans, etc so probably best to keep the discussion with others that do, here on L-G or other similar forum. Maybe you'll find others who are interested by asking questions like that but most likely they're going to think you're weird or something. Is how I've noticed it.
Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #3 on: April 29, 2021, 07:18:27 PM » Author: Desultory13
Sammi and I couldn't care less what other people think. We collect lamps, that's it. Anyone doesn't like it, that's their problem. Simple. Next question..?  :mrg:
Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #4 on: April 29, 2021, 07:53:39 PM » Author: sox35
Administrators, if this breaches site rules, please let me know.

I don't know if there is already a topic about this, but I have been ridiculed for my interest in lighting ever since I was in kindergarten. I was teased, made fun of, and even bullied for it. My parents don't really care for my interest, which is why I don't trust them. A lot of kids say that they hate lighting. For example, I asked one kid what his favorite ceiling fan brand was, and he said, "I hate ceiling fans." I don't know if he was being legit, or if he was saying it to offend me. This ridicule has resulted in negative things about myself. It's the reason why I only have two friends who actually care about my interests. It's the reason why I believe Lighting-Gallery is one of the only places, if not, the only place where I belong. Have there been similar instances with any of you?
I can't say that I was ever ridiculed for being so interested in lighting but a lot of people sure asked me a lot about why I so interested in it and unfortunately I never had a good answer other than "it's just something I really enjoy". Pretty much everyone accepted it that way and that was the end of it.
When I was a teenager and watched FPL fix streetlights in my neighborhood the crews were always fascinated by how intently I watched as they made repairs that they always took the time to answer my questions.

To answer your question LightsoftheWest my favorite ceiling fans are any Hunter fans made anywhere between the 60s to the 80s as they are basically industructible and probably will run forever.
Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #5 on: April 29, 2021, 07:58:23 PM » Author: sox35
To answer your question LightsoftheWest my favorite ceiling fans are any Hunter fans made anywhere between the 60s to the 80s as they are basically indestructible and probably will run forever.
Ceiling fans are very rare over here, at least for residential use. It doesn't really get hot enough, and also ceilings tend to be lower here. We've got a pedestal fan we use if we need it. Also, probably for the same reasons, air conditioning is limited almost exclusively to commercial businesses, it's very rare to see it in private homes.
fluorescent lover 40

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Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #6 on: April 29, 2021, 07:59:15 PM » Author: fluorescent lover 40
I've never had any problems with being teased or bullied because I've lights. From the few schools I've gone to, I've never had problems with anybody. Starting around sixth grade or so is when I told everybody in my class I liked lights (introduction of myself to the entire class). All of my classmates thought it was neat and thought I was going to be like Thomas Edison or something like that. Though I never go up to random people (even the ones who think my hobby/interest is cool) and ask what their favorite light is. If they ask me about lights, I'll answer (had a few who did).

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All lighting except LED rules!

Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #7 on: April 29, 2021, 08:09:05 PM » Author: thelightingman
I have never told anyone besides my family and friends that I like lights so my answer to this question is no.

I think HPS, MV, and MH rule! :mv: :mvc: :hps: :emh: Ban LED instead! :eoled:


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Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #8 on: April 29, 2021, 08:32:50 PM » Author: desktoptrashcan
Honestly, I was ridiculed more for my autism than my interests.  :( Most people either didn’t care or found it cool/interesting that I liked lights, fans, and other electrical equipment. I really don’t care anymore what others say about me, because I’ve been called every slur/swear in the book.  ::) I’ll admit, it still hurts sometimes.  :'( The one thing that irks me is when others make insensitive jokes, especially when they’re about mental illness. >:( :curse:
« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 12:05:29 AM by desktoptrashcan » Logged
Mandolin Girl
Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #9 on: April 29, 2021, 08:34:52 PM » Author: Mandolin Girl
Ceiling fans are very rare over here, at least for residential use. It doesn't really get hot enough, and also ceilings tend to be lower here. We've got a pedestal fan we use if we need it. Also, probably for the same reasons, air conditioning is limited almost exclusively to commercial businesses, it's very rare to see it in private homes.
I think the main reason we don't have many homes with Air Conditioning is that we don't get the extremes of temperature you do over the pond, thanks to the Gulf Stream it's a gradual change throughout the year.
Mandolin Girl
Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #10 on: April 29, 2021, 08:44:21 PM » Author: Mandolin Girl
Honestly, I was ridiculed more for my autism than my interests.  :( Most people either didn’t care or found it cool/interesting that I liked lights, fans, and other electrical equipment. I really don’t care anymore what others say about me, because I’ve been called every slur/swear in the book.  ::) I’ll admit, it still hurts sometimes.  :'( The one thing that irks me is when others make insensitive jokes (most of the time), especially when they’re about mental illness. >:( :curse: In some contexts, I can accept them, I guess. :-\
That is one thing I will never accept.  >:( :curse: Mental Health can be so fragile, and one word out of place can shatter it.  :'(
Ria has autism herself and this business with face masks is destroying her gradually day by day. I myself am in a position that I am no longer able to work and it's soul destroying.  :'( :'(

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Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #11 on: April 29, 2021, 08:50:54 PM » Author: desktoptrashcan
That is one thing I will never accept.  >:( :curse: Mental Health can be so fragile, and one word out of place can shatter it.  :'(
Ria has autism herself and this business with face masks is destroying her gradually day by day. I myself am in a position that I am no longer able to work and it's soul destroying.  :'( :'(

Darn straight!  8;) I’ve edited my comment to reflect that.  :) Sorry if I offended you.  :(

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Matthew E.

Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #12 on: May 21, 2021, 06:13:34 PM » Author: Econolite03
I’ve had people tell me I can’t collect lighting as they say it’s not normal. But I ignore them, because it’s just like any hobby. If people can collect comics, vacuums, fans, then I can collect lighting. I tend to keep my collection of lighting private unless it’s here on L-G.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2021, 06:21:09 PM by Econolite03 » Logged

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Formerly "TiCoune66". Also known here as Vince.

Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #13 on: May 21, 2021, 08:09:00 PM » Author: Foxtronix
I've been wise enough as a teen not to take this hobby outside of my family life. I was dealing with enough social exclusion as it was, I didn't need to worsen the situation even more.

Das Rheingold

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Re: Have you been ridiculed for your interest in lighting? « Reply #14 on: May 22, 2021, 01:58:44 AM » Author: Das Rheingold
On other online platforms like discord I think I’ve been teased a few times, but it’s all in good fun so it doesn’t bother me. I think that was when I bought that 400watt metal halide hang light lol

My preference: Mercury Vapor > High Pressure Sodium > Metal Halide > Low Pressure Sodium > Incandescent > LED

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